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ArmySarge, Nisqually River WA, Chum Salmon, 12/18, Marc and Tater - Printable Version

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ArmySarge, Nisqually River WA, Chum Salmon, 12/18, Marc and Tater - FishNews - 12-21-2010

Had a great day on the river today. At launch time we had 30* weather and spitiing snow but hey we were already there and needed some more salmon fillets to smoke. Man was the bite on today. Started fishing at 0615 and by 1231 we had our limit. We used the technique known out here as back trolling, let the plug back 50 ft from the back point the boat up river and use the kicker motor to slooooooowwwwwly slide through the holes in the river. Biggest 2 were estimated at 18 and 22, and when a fish that big is in a river that swift you had better have a good drag. all in all a great trip.