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Fishing license increases? - Printable Version

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Fishing license increases? - redlight88 - 02-09-2011

[url ""]Saw this on the Tribune site[/url]. New fishing director and increase in license fees.

Re: [redlight88] Fishing license increases? - Troll - 02-09-2011

Everyone be sure to thank the sponsers, supporters and represenatives who passed HB 141 and the members of the Waterways Access Taskfarce for this increase.
It's going to be the first of many.

Re: [Troll] Fishing license increases? - Tiller - 02-10-2011

outta take every dang politician and put em on a deserted island and start fresh them greedy suckers just cant get enough of our money.

Just say'in

Re: [Tiller] Fishing license increases? - dowhatwecan - 02-10-2011

I would like to say that any discussion of license increase is completely separate from the stream access issue. They are completely unrelated.

The last time there was a fishing license increase was 2002. It was a $2 increase of which $1 went to fund the Community Fisheries Program and $1 went to fund the Blue Ribbon Fisheries Program. The Community Fisheries Program has been one of the most successful programs the UDWR Aquatics has ever had. It is the primary mechanism the DWR has recruit new anglers in the sport to replace us old farts. Each spring the program works with roughly 1500 kids in a 6 week program at all the ponds to instill the values that each of us hold so dearly. That program also stocks over 150,000 trout and 70,000 channel catfish each year for old and young alike to go out for a close to home angling opportunity. In 2002 when we started buying channel catfish for the program we paid about $1.20/pound the price this year will be about $2.0/pound. The cost of fish food has gone up, the price of gas has gone up and the DWR aquatics budget has remained the same.

The Blue Ribbon Fisheries Program is the primary mechanism to fund on the ground aquatics projects across the state. Each year this program funds about $500,000 in projects that range from boat ramps to stream restoration.

The DWR sportfish program is primarily funded by license sales and then matched with federal grants. Our license sales haven't increased at the same pace as inflation.

The truth is the sportfish program has been continually doing the same amount of work with an ever shrinking ability that resulted to increased prices of everything associated with doing the job.

Since 2002 we have rebuilt 4 hatcheries, started our own tiger musky program, channel catfish program, increased from 12 to 44 community fisheries, expanded our youth fishing program from 100 kids to 1500 kids annually, increased trout production in our hatcheries from 800,000 pounds to almost 1.2 million pounds. We have restored many miles of cutthroat trout streams and we even have additional effort being put into our warm water fisheries. there is a cost associated with these improvements aren't free and they could go away if additional monies can't be found.

Drew Cushing

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - muskyhunter - 02-10-2011

Well said Drew...... Keep up the good work!!!

Re: [muskyhunter] Fishing license increases? - cadresults - 02-10-2011

I am surprised states can sell licenses for the price they do. For less than a tank of gas, I can fish all year. Its dirt cheap IMO.

I don't agree with a lot of things the DWR does, but license fee increases is not one of them.

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - dubob - 02-10-2011

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Thank you Drew for that very informative report on how our license fees are spent. The price of admission (our fishing license fee) to the wonderful world of fishing is one of life’s true bargains. Where else can one get so much for so little?[/#800000][/font]

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - albinotrout - 02-10-2011

Even though I don't like the idea of fees going up I understand why they are needed. They there is a sizable increase I would like to see the second pole permit included in the regular license. Keep up the good work.

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - wiperhunter2 - 02-10-2011

Thanks Drew for keeping us informed and letting everyone know where the money goes from the license sells. I did not notice what the price increase was going to be from that article but I'm sure it is money well spent.

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - PACKFAN - 02-10-2011

Now if we could get a fee program implemented in this state that would deal with the invasive species problem we have, similar to the ones that some of our neighbor states have. The certificate we can get online is only as good as a person's honesty. I would like to see spot checks made around our state waters on all watercraft. Out of state watercraft would be required to have a Utah sticker for entry into all Utah waters.

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - baetisman - 02-10-2011

I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I'd pay even up to $25 or more to keep and improve things. If we care about our fishing and resources we have to pony up, because no one else will. It's one of the ways we give back to something that gives so much to us.

Re: [dowhatwecan] Fishing license increases? - Troll - 02-10-2011

I was at the task force meeting where it was decided to pay landowners for access. I heard every word said and spoke myself at the final meeting. I did not see you there Drew.

The last increase was in 2003, not 2002.

Re: [PACKFAN] Fishing license increases? - kokeking - 02-11-2011

[quote PACKFAN]Now if we could get a fee program implemented in this state that would deal with the invasive species problem we have, similar to the ones that some of our neighbor states have. The certificate we can get online is only as good as a person's honesty. I would like to see spot checks made around our state waters on all watercraft. Out of state watercraft would be required to have a Utah sticker for entry into all Utah waters.[/quote]

Give it time,I'm sure in the future. That Utah will have a AIS fee program,like Idaho and Wyoming both do.

Re: [redlight88] Fishing license increases? - sterling925 - 02-11-2011

So how much is the increase?

Re: [sterling925] Fishing license increases? - dowhatwecan - 02-11-2011

There have been general discussions but nothing specific. The one thing the DWR has learned that if we do a poor job at letting anglers know what we do and how anglers money is spent, and the benefits of those expenditures, we will have resistance to any increase. In 2003 there was very little time put into this effort and we lost quite a few anglers for several years. I would personally like to see enough of an increase that we can carry the program for several years (10) and not go through this any more than is absolutely necessary.
