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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 4/23/11, Colby, A little evening night fishing. - Printable Version

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 4/23/11, Colby, A little evening night fishing. - FishNews - 04-25-2011

Colby had told me he was out of school Monday as part of their Easter break so I called him this evening to see if he wanted to wet a hook. He was on his way before I even connected the boat. Wink We got on the water at about 6 and started pitching a spinner bait like wiskers and I had done in the CFF. The bass wanted no part of it. emoScratch Went to pitching plastics and it was a slow go. We managed only four before the sun set and only one of those was a good one. Right at three lbs. emoThumbsup It was a beautiful sun set and the air was just right. The thing that really made it great was there was a very slight bress. I forgot how nice the lake could be without hurrican force wind. At 9:30 someone truned the switch on and the bass started biting. emoTongue We boated seven more bass between 9:30 and 11:00. Had one that weighed 4 lbs and 3 ozes, as well as a couple more threes and a couple in the twos. Best five would have pushed over 15 lbs. emoDance Might have been close to 16 but did not weigh them all. All bass after dark were caught on black worms shallow. Colby was to be at Crazyaboutbass at 11:30 so we left them biting. emoRolleyes <br /><br />Nice evening out and enjoyed it greatly, it is nice sometimes just to go fishing without worrying about getting a limit and how much it weighs.<br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax