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Lowell Cats???? - Printable Version

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Lowell Cats???? - dalgrabe - 06-25-2011

Taking 3 boys out tomorrow....Need help. I have boat ...Gear...Need help with a place...Location. Water you rig it ect...Mostly location. I launch at the end of lake lowell road. Where do I go from there. Help would be greatly appreciated.....Im a rookie. dont need size just #'s///// FYI I just catch em and throw em back. love to eat em just lazy these days...Thanks

Re: [dalgrabe] Lowell Cats???? - StacyR - 06-26-2011

I don't have a boat, but I have caught them from the dam. Use cut bait or chicken livers. Sucker or squawfish works well.

If you use liver, either tie them up in a piece of old panty hose, or use a treble hook. Poke the eye on the treble through the liver, then tie the hook on the line. If you can't use a treble or panty hose, use a gentle lob cast. This will keep the liver from flinging off when you cast.

I'm not sure if algae blooms are an issue yet, but if you see floating green scum on the water, move to another area. I've never caught a fish in an area where that junk was present.

Re: [dalgrabe] Lowell Cats???? - Larkinforce - 06-26-2011

Went out there Friday with my boat got 6 nice 3-5 lb cat by were New York comes in. Only thing they would hit was carp guts.