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Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - davetclown - 09-16-2003

[font "Arial"][size 1]I received this in my email today, I do not know the validity of it has any one heard of this?[/size][/font]

[font "Arial"][size 3][#ff0000]Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . .


If you receive an email titled: "It Takes Guts to Say Jesus"
( DO NOT OPEN IT. It will erase everything on your hard drive. )
This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa," and that there is NO Remedy for it at this
time. Some very sick individual has succeeded in using the reformat function from Norton
Utilities causing it to completely erase all documents on the hard drive. It has been
designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers.

This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book ! and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so that this threat maybe stopped. Please practice cautionary measures and tell anyone that may have access to your computer. Forward this warning to everyone that you
know that might access the Internet.

Joyce L. Bober
IBM Information Systems
Pittsburgh Mailing Systems

Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - cat_man - 09-16-2003

I checked Symantecs website, and I couldn't find anything about it. It's probably a hoax.

Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - southernman - 09-16-2003

its a hoax - heres the report . .

[url ""][/url]


Re: [southernman] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - fishfather - 09-16-2003

[size 2]When it doubt go to the source[Wink] I was going to check the virus sites before I saw your post.[/size]

[url ""][/url]

Re: [southernman] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - davetclown - 09-17-2003


Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - tubeN2 - 09-17-2003

[cool] Thanks for the possible warning.

Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - lou - 09-24-2003

thanks i,ll tell jack too. cause he works alot on his computer at work too dave. later

Re: [lou] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - davetclown - 09-24-2003

you should read the following post, as it turns out, it is a hoax.

Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - lonehunter - 09-25-2003

hoax ? i don't know about that ! lol !
i'm still reworking my nortin out , it did just block a trosan horse 7 a half hour ago , but i'm still posting in basic editor instead of advanced editor .

Re: [lonehunter] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - davetclown - 09-26-2003

ouch, thats a big pain in the sloe poke....

I was hit last week as well, I just shut every thing down, rebooted my entire system.

so untill some one comes up with a tamper proof hard drive I will not buy in to the anty virous scam business. just keep all your files on CD disk.

and what ever you do dont ever open email attachments. no matter who they are from.

Re: [davetclown] Urgent ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . - lonehunter - 09-26-2003

the trosan 7 is a backdoor virus . i'de like to send one right back at the bonehead !