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Rapala Lures - Printable Version

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Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

Does anyone on this BFT happen to work for Rapala and can get all us BFTer's a sweet deal on some lures. They are getting really expensive and really don't seem worth it!!!! :-) Great lures yes.....Between $7-$15 not so worth it.

Re: [12inchlunker] Rapala Lures - lavaman - 07-22-2011

Hey lunker I got yer 'rapala' right here...

Re: [lavaman] Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

LOL lava shut your hole!!!! Next time we go fishing I'm going to Rapala you in the neck!!!! :-)

Re: [12inchlunker] Rapala Lures - Bigyfan - 07-22-2011

and I seem to get one hung up every time I use them...I seriously strip down to my skivvies to go after them if at all possible.

Re: [Bigyfan] Rapala Lures - Fishrmn - 07-22-2011

There was a guy who did that at Deer Creek a few years ago that didn't make it back. Dove in and drowned for a $10 lure.

Re: [Fishrmn] Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

I go in after them....but I won't go deep sea diving for one!!!!

Re: [12inchlunker] Rapala Lures - lavaman - 07-22-2011


Re: [lavaman] Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

What do you mean Lava? There is no spelling issue.

Re: [DeadLiver] Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

That is actually a great ida......might have to look into that. Cause you know every good fishing hole has lost lures in them.

Re: [12inchlunker] Rapala Lures - TubeDude - 07-22-2011

[cool][#0000ff]When I lived in Sacramento (CA) I lived close to the American River. I had some holes and runs I liked to fish and all of a sudden they were snaggy and impossible to fish. One of the "regulars" discovered that these favorite spots had been booby trapped with old he and a couple of buddies waited one night and caught a couple of guys with diving gear going out and retrieving the springs...and getting all the lures and gear off them...and then throwing them back out. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The perpetrators were forced to wait for fish and game to show up and were made to remove all the snags. Their ill-gotten gear was confiscated by the fish and game...along with their diving stuff.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since then I have heard more than a few stories of favorite fishing spots being rigged to steal gear and then being "harvested" later by those who put it there. [/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Rapala Lures - 12inchlunker - 07-22-2011

That is a great idea to TUBEDUDE....thanks for the idea.....!!!! No just kidding! I hate thieves. You should have waited with a stun gun!!!!

Re: [12inchlunker] Rapala Lures - TubeDude - 07-22-2011

[cool][#0000ff]I only heard the details long after the deed had been done. If I had been part of the "welcoming committee" a stun gun would not have been necessary. Just a shovel.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Rapala Lures - Jmaze - 07-22-2011

Only in California do the thieves go to such original lengths to steal. They let them out to fast and educate them to well.....

Re: [Jmaze] Rapala Lures - TubeDude - 07-22-2011

[cool][#0000ff]I have fished all over the country and I assure you that California doesn't have an exclusive on creative tackle thieves. But, California is a trend setter in many areas so I guess it is only natural that they invent new crimes first...or improve on the old ones.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In Utah they are just more blatant. A lot of thieves around here are too dumb to be creative so they just bust up your doors, break your windows or clean out the back of your truck while you are grabbing something quick from the store. And the ungrateful %$#&%% don't even take time to leave a thank you note. Talk about rude and crude.[/#0000ff]