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Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - theangler - 09-20-2003

[left][font "Verdana"][size 2]JDSir63[/size][/font][/left]

[Image: wall.cgi?id=994&do=view_image]
[url "javascript:void(0)"][font "Verdana"][#000000][size 1]Click To Enlarge[/size][/#000000][/font][/url]

Re: [theangler] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - DrownedDesertRat - 09-21-2003

Nope. Was that taken in Iraq?

Re: [theangler] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - Dryrod - 09-21-2003

[cool][size 4]Hey theangler,[/size]

[size 4]It looks like TubeDude to me![/size]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=718;]

Re: [Dryrod] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - adisabledfisher - 09-21-2003

Did he shoot that fish?

Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - davetclown - 09-21-2003

that looks like Sadam's imperial palace to me,

I wonder if this is the same guy who was in the earlier picture floating around. any kow?

Re: [theangler] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - shark_hunter - 09-22-2003


Re: [shark_hunter] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - davetclown - 09-22-2003

looks like to me that he is squinting to protect from the brightness of the sun and reflection off the white concreat.

Re: [theangler] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - lonehunter - 09-26-2003

no , sorry i don't know him .
as for the facial expression , i have seen the same look on my family members who have returned from over there .
we are doing over there what needs to be done , and some of them hate us for it , they want us dead .
the look is war . there is no trust in thoes who you are freeing or protecting . your only goal is to live thru this day and survive the next . to get the job done and go home .
my brother in law is normally a pretty happy kind of guy , always smiling . i have yet to see him Smile .
he took a week off before returning to work , to do yard work , play with the grandkids and have a few meals alone with his wife . you know , the important stuff in life .
going back will be hard , on all of us . i hope america remembers what these guys are doing for us and the toll that they pay for all .
that's my brother in laws look .

Re: [shark_hunter] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - fishfather - 09-26-2003

[size 2]How the hell did he catch it and what species is it?[crazy][/size]

[size 2] And yes Dave I believe also that is one of the many palaces[/size]

Re: [davetclown] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - BFFG - 09-26-2003

Do you mean floating on the web or in the water?[Wink]

Re: [BFFG] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - davetclown - 09-26-2003

yep I mean web and on the news broad cast on telivision

Re: [fishfather] Does anyone know this soldier on the BFT Wall Of Fame? - lonehunter - 09-27-2003
