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White Pine Fall Brookies - UTExplorer - 10-03-2011

Made my annual trip to White Pine to enjoy the leaves changing and catch a few brookies. We were at the trail head by 10:00 AM and took our time on the 4.9 mile hike in, the leaves are just starting to change, and the contrast between the green, yellows, oranges, and reds makes for some great scenery along the way.

We arrived at the lake, threw off our packs and started fishing, immediately started bringing in the stunted brookies this little lake is known and for, fished for about two hours and caught quite a few just like in the pictures.

Followed the outlet back to the trail, and it looks like the beavers are looking to build a few brookie hatcheries along the creek. Made it back to the car by 6:30. It was a great day to put summer to bed.

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - LOAH - 10-03-2011

Really pretty country and striking colors on the brookies. Very nice. Glad you had a good time.

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - TyeDyeTwins - 10-04-2011

[quote UTExplorer] are just starting to change, and the contrast between the green, yellows, oranges, and reds makes for some great scenery along the way.

[url "http://[/quote]"][/quote][/url]

The brookies or the leaves man? Just kidding, we drove through that canyon on sunday and I must say it was a side of Utah I had not seen before. Totally worth the skunking I got at Bear Lake too.

I can't make a hike over 1 mile happen yet this year due to the blown out knee of last year's backcountry skiing event so I am sooooo JEALOUS of you right now.

My goal is to get a brook trout before everything ices up. Thanks for the report/pics and the hopes of reaching my goal of a brookie. You re-ignited the passion for the brookie and I thank you for that.

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - SkunkedAgain - 10-05-2011

Sweet report I love that area and the colors are gorgeous even to a color blind guy. Those beaver dams really flooded a big area guess the forest service will blow them up before they cause a flood hazard. I guess that's where the beaver had moved to this summer I didn't see any in the lake like usual. Fun read thanks J

Re: [SkunkedAgain] White Pine Fall Brookies - UTExplorer - 10-05-2011

Yeah they went back almost to the bridge...It also looked like someone had torn the bridge railings apart...not sure why anyone would do that.[mad][crazy]

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - SkunkedAgain - 10-05-2011

Had a picture of that area in July and it was gorgeous but I haven't got my iPhone set up to add them to the forum yet so guess I won't include it here. The bridge handrails on the downstream side were damaged when I was there as well not sure if it was a horse or snowmobile that did it buts it's too bad. Guess we need to get someone with a horse or sled to take some repair materials in to fix it. I'd hate to carry a couple 4x4's that far. J

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - CoyoteSpinner - 10-05-2011

Nice report. Cool fall colors. Some of my favorite contrasts show up there.
Nice seeing those purdy fish too! Haven't hiked up that far for a time - just recall a fair number of switchbacks on the way down to/from WP lake - the Tony's Grove lake at the top of the road is pretty accessible, and I hear the trout get pretty frisky in the fall.

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - lavaman - 10-05-2011

Great report and pics. Is there a prettier fish than an Autumn Brookie?

Thanks for sharing.

Re: [UTExplorer] White Pine Fall Brookies - RyanCreek - 10-06-2011

Now I remember why fall brook trout are so nice to catch. They really are little gems.