Jmax, Chick, Bass, CBA classic, 29th place, 10/29/11 and 10/30/11, Colby - Printable Version
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Jmax, Chick, Bass, CBA classic, 29th place, 10/29/11 and 10/30/11, Colby - FishNews - 11-01-2011
Well...I wished I could tell everyone how to win the CBA or at least tell you how to catch a limit right now. But I cannot. Since the weather has turned off cold my fish have done the same. I was afraid that the two day classic would be poor for us but I am happy with our respectable results. After pre-fishing on Wednesday and Thursday evenings I did not have a limit either day. emoScratch I know the fish are still there but never could figure out how to catch them. <br /><br />Colby and I started out fairly well the first day catching five with three keepers in the first two or three hours of the day. Shakey and Cranks were the ticket. The bass we caught that morning were holding just outside the grass on the edge in deeper water. That first day we spent the rest of the day for the next five hours trying to find the other two bass to get a limit. We caught one off a hump in 17 feet on a crank and one other slick on a shakey. My trolling motor was dead with two hours left. emoAngry Very windy all day had left us with not even enough power to troll against the wind. We could not fish where we wanted to the last two hours which did hurt us. When I got home I found out one of my batteries on the trolling motor was shot and I had to replace it that night. We came in that day with our four keepers at 11.77 lbs which was good enough for 29th place out of the 72 boats fishing it.<br /><br />With the trolling motor battery replaced we had better hopes for Sunday. Getting to HBSP we saw that the fog was so bad we could not see a 100 yard so we drove around to Chester by land. We waited with the rest of the anglers for three hours in the water for the fog to lift. Finally at about 10:30 it lifted and we took off. The first place I wanted to go had two boats already on it. emoMad Hit another ledge and had one hook up that did not stay on using a crank. Moved from there and hit another long drop with a million shad on it. Had our best fish of the day there a little over 3 pounds also on a crank. Thought we might of been on something but that was it there. Moved to several other places and did not even get a smell. Moved to another area where there was a creek and structure. Hit a couple trees that had been sunk in that area and managed two more keepers and a couple slicks. emoThumbsup I also lost the big fish of the day that really bent my rod and did not move when I set the hook. She took off to the side and I had her for just a couple seconds and she came off. emoBadLanguage Headed for the river to try and catch two more going for anything but hoping to find a couple spots. I managed one short smallie and one keeper spot on shakeys. Moved two more times but never could find our fifth keeper again for the second day. emoBawl We had just under nine pounds that day with the three LM and one spot.<br /><br />After the other 72 boats came in and were weighed we were surprised to see we did not move. We were in 29th after the first day and stayed there after the second day. emoRolleyes Under the circumstances I will take it. Not a good tournament for us catching but managing 29th both days with that quality of competition and coming in with $450.00 for 29th and a gift certificate for $25.00 is not all that bad. emoThumbsup <br /><br />Time to go deer hunting. emoTongue Jmax