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preacherman, Chick, crppie, 11-25, Dad - Printable Version

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preacherman, Chick, crppie, 11-25, Dad - FishNews - 11-26-2011

Long story short: we should have stayed home.emoBang Launched out of Bluewater early this morning and it was foggy, in a bad way. After the fog finally lifted, ran up river to hit a section of bank filled with tree tops and no luck there. Only managed 2 short fish. Ran even farther up river to another spot only to find 6 boats within 100 yards of where we wanted to be. We decided not to join that group and went back down river. All the way to hwy 60 bridge area to a boat house only managed 2 keepers there. After that we decided to head for the house. Fish came on BG Albino shad. Water temps bout 57. Over all the weather was beautiful, river was swift while we were in it and the fish did not cooperate, but had a great day with Dad on the lake.