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SethColeman, Chick, Crappie, 01/15/11, Jason Campbell - Printable Version

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SethColeman, Chick, Crappie, 01/15/11, Jason Campbell - FishNews - 01-16-2012

Told Jason about all the crappie we had caught over the past few weeks, and he doesn't fresh water fish much, so he was excited. I knew this was a problem a head of time because anytime I have told someone about the kind of luck we have been having, when I take them, it usually sucks.....I was right. On the water about 12:00 and 1 boat on the spot no big deal, mark a good school of fish and start tossing...and tossing.....and tossing..took forever to get a bite, but the first one to hit was a nice 12.5 fatty. Thought, ok may not be a quantity day, but quality....nope. Would go on streaks of 3 or 4 here and there but never could get the bite down. Threw several colors and styles today, only thing that seemed to work was the blue thunder. Some fish hit close to the top of the water column others were about 8 ft. Ended up with 25+ and 5 fat keepers, 2 just shy of tarps. It was fun taking a buddy out. Also saw Jerry on the water for a few minutes, said he was having luck with his shakeyhead, been a while since i've talk to him, always great to see buddies on the water. Well we are hitting the water tomorrow, and gonna try to learn my HDS5 since its now on the boat, so I hope to have more luck. Temp 48+, never found any 50 deg. water.