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Lee Kay - Bigdslc - 01-31-2012

Hey I was wondering if anyone ever fish at the Lee Kay Ponds? Or if you can or not didn't see it listed in the Fish and Game book this year. Maybe I just missed it.

Re: [Bigdslc] Lee Kay - tlarson - 01-31-2012

i think they still use it as a nursery for fish like tiger muskies

Re: [Bigdslc] Lee Kay - wiperhunter2 - 01-31-2012

Yea, I agree with [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=tlarson"]tlarson[/url]. I'm pretty sure the DNR uses those ponds for raising warm water fish. Unless there are other ponds that have that same name.

Re: [Bigdslc] Lee Kay - Northman - 02-01-2012

The ponds are set up as a public hunting dog training area and no fishing is allowed. The DWR uses some of the deeper ponds as the warm water hatcherys but they are clearly marked and some have netting over them. The area is gated with a lock. You can get a key with $5 dollar deposit per year at the Lee kay center. They change the locks mid summer. If you have a hunting dog it is the best $5 you will ever spend.

Re: [Northman] Lee Kay - Bigdslc - 02-01-2012

I think i know where the dog training ponds are i think there on the north west side of the shooting range. The ponds im talking about are located on the north side and can only be accessed from the road going to the dump. Theres a pavilion there and wildlife bird signs on a dirt road you can drive around on. I remember they had or have stocking reports for them and stuff but maybe that was for the hatchery. Thanks for the info and maybe im just on crack[cool]