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American Fork River ON FIRE - big_griggs - 02-18-2012

I took a few hours today and went for a lil ride up af canyon today water is low and lots of pools so I decided to hit a few wile i was there. I started dry flying a few holes did not even mater what patern i had on they took everything even a big bumblebee fly lost count on how many after 20 bows browns and cuts. in 1.5 hours. Switched to bait and lure and way to fast and furious I only fish this river with barbless hooks I forgot first hook was barbed and so the first fling into water Wham big brown took it all the way down. Realy did not want to take home any but i ended taking him home after that switched over to barbless hook and nailed I have no idea how many up and down the river. Then switched to spinners and same result bam bam bam same spots in river. They loved a small Orange Panther martin and a small Brown trout panther marten. Here is the pic of the one He was full of milk when i cleaned him they must be getting ready to spawn.

Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - EvilTyeDyeTwin - 02-18-2012

Way to go...glad you got some fish for the fee[Wink]. I love that river! As a kid I would fish/camp that place every year. That is one of the few places that my twin and I are hush hush about (I know the TyeDyes do keep places on the DL). Just a friendly FYI that fish in the picture you attached is a spawner Rainbow Trout..not a brown. Congrats on the success out there man...I have never had a 10+ fish day on that river.

Re: [EvilTyeDyeTwin] American Fork River ON FIRE - big_griggs - 02-18-2012

Stars and moon allined today I have never had the sucess that i had up there today

Re: [EvilTyeDyeTwin] American Fork River ON FIRE - eyechaser - 02-18-2012

fish the river all the time and catch 20- 30 fish days allmost evertime they really like the sinking rapala sinking size 3 or smaller

Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - TyeDyeTwins - 02-18-2012

That is a spawning rainbow for sure! Great work on the AFR. Love that place by the way.

Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - flygoddess - 02-19-2012

That is a nice trout for that area! Well done. But, spawning, now?

Re: [flygoddess] American Fork River ON FIRE - Capt.Nereus - 02-19-2012

A lot of stocked rainbows are spawning right now. Like the bows in hyrum for example. I'm not sure why they do it so early but, they do.

Re: [Capt.Nereus] American Fork River ON FIRE - riverdog - 02-19-2012

I think the wild bows are also spawning or preparing to spawn throughout the state as well. AF is a fun place to fish because of the fast catching but the average fish is even smaller and more stunted than the Provo. That bow in the picture looks like it probable only grew an inch since it was stocked 5-9 months ago.

Re: [Capt.Nereus] American Fork River ON FIRE - CoyoteSpinner - 02-19-2012

Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure somebody will) but aren't stocked fish generally sterile? Thus - the Wildlife management can - um - manage em?
Population control. (Wish they could do that with the *&%^$&%$ community - ok, I didn't say that - gotta have a license to have a dog, but folks can breed for free - duoh!)

I gather the fish do go through the motions, producing milt and roe, but they got no where to go. Even the cross-breed Wipers go through a false spawn. Hey - fishes gotta have fun right? Doing the mango-tango!

Ok - so here's my ignerance question - when DO trout spawn? Is it fall, or is it spring - or does it vary with different trout? Seems like I got into some roe filled trout at the end of wet-water last year, yet - lotsa folks talking up the spawning trout this spring. And certainly lots of other fish choose spring for a spawn (bass, walleye, perch, gills).

Got lots of fishing books, but not a single one on trout. They're just there. And in abundance! (in THIS GREAT state anyway!). Guess I could google it, or hit 'da Wiki...

Anywho - Nice Fish! Sounds like a fun out. And I'm with ya - over 20, and I can't count. Turns into "lots".

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] American Fork River ON FIRE - joshomaru - 02-19-2012

There are places where the bows will only spawn in the spring, and places where there are strains that will spawn in the fall, too. DC has fall spawners and spring spawners.
Browns, brookies, macs- generally are fall spawners.

Stocked fish (non-hybridized) are only sterile if certain steps are taken during the incubation period.
The stocked fish in most places have the capability of spawning, but most parts of Utah are not super conducive to spawning trout.
Don't hear of too many places over-run with rainbows![Wink]

Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - remo_5_0 - 02-19-2012

No offense, but you should learn to identify fish, it would suck if you took a fish thinking that it was something else, that was not legal somewhere and were ticketed. Just a heads up.

Re: [remo_5_0] American Fork River ON FIRE - flygoddess - 02-19-2012

Ahhhh, that is what prompteb my question on spawning, I was thinking Brown, but in fact you were talking bow. Okay, on the same page now.

Re: [remo_5_0] American Fork River ON FIRE - big_griggs - 02-19-2012

remo i know how to identify fish this fish looked like a brown becouse of the color. I allways thought that stocked fish have fins that are rubbed off?

Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - remo_5_0 - 02-19-2012


Re: [big_griggs] American Fork River ON FIRE - TyeDyeTwins - 02-19-2012

[quote big_griggs]remo i know how to identify fish this fish looked like a brown becouse of the color. I allways thought that stocked fish have fins that are rubbed off?[/quote]

The red stripe down that body is a dead give away for a rainbow. Still I would not worry too much about proper id of a brown vs a rainbow as there are very few waters requiring you to release all rainbows and not brown trout. Quite a dark spawner though. I am jealous of your success on that river. As I stated before that river is on my favorites list.

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] American Fork River ON FIRE - riverdog - 02-19-2012

I was thinking about the same thing. Probable going thru a false spawn. I've caught tons of bow out of AF and there always 9-13 inches. I'm assuming only stockies and not any reproduction like with the browns and cutts in there. Anyone every caught a bow significantly smaller than the typical ones stocked?

Re: [CoyoteSpinner] American Fork River ON FIRE - riverdog - 02-19-2012

[quote CoyoteSpinner]
Ok - so here's my ignerance question - when DO trout spawn? Is it fall, or is it spring - or does it vary with different trout?
Quick answer is brooks and browns spawn in the fall. Cutts spring. Bows depends on the strain. There are rainbows that spawn every month of the year depending on strain and location.