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drumking, Riverpark, Bass, Drum, 01 March 2012, 3 Amigos minus one - Printable Version

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drumking, Riverpark, Bass, Drum, 01 March 2012, 3 Amigos minus one - FishNews - 03-04-2012

There we wuz! The 3 amigos minus one. Guess which one chickened out on us today? He drives the Soddy Daisy taxi service if you are guessing or ever need a ride. <br /><br />Anyhow, I had my boat hooked up and had just pulled it out of my basement this morning and was making sure that I had everything in it or out of it that I needed when the MadBomber called. He asked me if I was on the river and I said no, but my boat is hooked up and ready to go. He proposed that I go with him, but I quickly nixed that idea. I'll let him tell you what I said to him. emoBigSmile <br /> <br />I met MB at the Riverpark, but before he got there, Labman was just parking his vehicle after launching his boat. We chatted for a few minutes until MB got there. Norman was fishing alone. <br /><br />Now to the fishing report. Very early up by the locks, MB and I both connected at the same time to get the skunk off the boat for the both of us. I had a white bass and he had a bluegill. Then I proceeded to catch nearly all the rest of the fish. It got so bad that he had to get one of my lures to score his next fish. I only say that because I know that I'm gonna get drug through the washing machine for the way that I treated him today. emoBigSmile <br /><br />It wasn't a great day, but I did catch in addition to the white bass, 1 keeper bluegill, 1 crappie, 2 nice keeper spots, one largemouth that weighed 3.5 and 2 big drum. First one about 8 lbs and the 2nd one about 12 lbs. I kept the 12 pounder to try the recipe that Mumpy posted the other day. I'll say this for the drum. It was the fattest, slickest, fish that I have ever tried to clean. I didn't get enough meat off of it to justify killing the fish. But, after I cleaned it, got all the red out, all the fat out, and washed it under a garden hose until it quit foaming, I must admit that the meat looks just like a striped bass. It is soaking in the buttermilk as we speak. It sits there for 24 hours, then a change of buttermilk, coating with Zatarains, and deep fried. I'll let you guys know how it tastes. But, regardless, it is probably my last drum to keep. Too much trouble cleaning the beast. <br /><br />I only fish with one lure today. It was a 1/4 oz shadhead jig that I poured and powder painted and I had glued on a 3.5 inch swimming super fluke Jr. Don't try finding any of those. All the bass guys that are fishing with the Alabama rigs have cleaned them out. Zoom can't make enough of them to keep up with the demand. emoBang Stupid fad.<br /><br />MadBomber will post the pics later on this evening. He is running errands right now and he took all the pics today. I will post a pic of the cleaned drum. That's all I took today. emoBigSmile emoGeezer