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Two New Saltwater Record Fish Certified - Printable Version

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Two New Saltwater Record Fish Certified - FishNews - 04-12-2012

The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has officially certified, and is

pleased to announce, the catch of two new state record marine fish.

Robert Macejka of Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey reeled in the new state<br />
record Hickory Shad on November 20, 2011. The fish weighed in at 2 pounds 13<br />
ounces eclipsing the previous state record by 13 ounces. Robert was fishing<br />
from the surf at Mantoloking and using a St. Croix Triumph rod and Penn reel<br />
when he landed his catch.

The other state record was reeled in by Raul de la Prida of Elizabeth, New<br />
Jersey on February 10, 2012. His 3 pound ½ ounce Cunner was caught fishing<br />
from the Norma K III off Point Pleasant and measured 16 inches in length<br />
with a girth of 13 inches. Raul was using an Ugly Stick rod and Penn boat<br />
reel with clam as bait. The previous state record weighed in at 2 pounds 9<br />

Congratulations to our newest state record holders!

For more information about the State Record Fish Program visit<br /> .