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Deer creek again - Printable Version

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Deer creek again - Catcherman. - 05-23-2012

Hit deer creek again today from the kayak. Had a pretty slow day but did catch some small ones and one hard fighting carp!
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Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Flyfishinglover - 05-23-2012

nice bass Smile. I wish i could catch a bass this year ehhh. shall hunt them this summer XD
did u catch that carp on a jig 0.0

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Xtrema - 05-23-2012

Very nice fish.

Re: [Flyfishinglover] Deer creek again - Catcherman. - 05-23-2012

Yes the carp was caught a jig. Thought i had something good on!!

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - flygoddess - 05-23-2012

YOU DID catch something good! [Wink] Are they bubbling in the weeds yet?

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - iulipwnz - 05-23-2012

What bait u used to catch the carp ?

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Flyfishinglover - 05-23-2012

Nice XD

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Jazzperch1 - 05-23-2012

hell ya , good on the LMB and its always fun to hook one of those deer creek carp, they are huge!!!!!!!

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Jazzperch1 - 05-23-2012

hell ya , good on the LMB and its always fun to hook one of those deer creek carp, they are huge!!!!!!!

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - Bluefox2 - 05-24-2012

Nice lmb's and a smallie!! thanks for the post. Were you on the north end by charleston?

Re: [Catcherman.] Deer creek again - LakeDrifter - 05-24-2012

That's no carp! That's a hard fightin bugle mouth bass! [Wink]

Re: [flygoddess] Deer creek again - Catcherman. - 05-24-2012

Yes! There bubblin and slurpin all over the place!

Re: [Jazzperch1] Deer creek again - Catcherman. - 05-24-2012

Ya it was one one of the hardest fightin carp I caught! Took a while to get in on 6# test.