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Another Huntington tiger Report - wiperhunter2 - 10-23-2003

I couldn't stand it any more so Wiperslayer and I took the day off from work and made the 2.5 hour drive up to Huntington. We launched in the same spot Petty did and headed toward the dam, we started off with silver flatfish but nothing. There was a guy fishing in a small raft about halfway down the lake so we headed toward him but before we reached him we switched to a gold flat fish and one bullet weight. Right off the bat, Wiperslayer caught a nice 16 in. cutthroat and soon after the first Tiger. We talked to the guy in the raft and he said he was doing good using night crawlers near the bottom earlier in the morning. We got on the water around 10:30 and were off by 4:30. After catching 7 or 8 the action slowed down, so we started trying everything else we bought along. WE caught fish on and off all day on a variety of lures but nothing consistent until we took the weights off and tried the surface again with the gold flatfish.By this time it was almost 3pm and thats when the big boys came out to play, in the next hour and a half the slayer caught 3 hogs that were between 17 and 19 inches and with the one I had caught earlier we had four tigers that were 17 to 19 inches for the day. We put up no where near the numbers Petty had the day before but we did end the day with 13, it was a nice day on the water. We hit the rush hour traffic both ways but it was still nice to get away and catch my first tiger trout. WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] Another Huntington tiger Report - Theekillerbee - 10-23-2003

Glad you guys could make it out. They are a very fun fish to catch. They are also one of the best looking trout around. Did you guys get any pics? Sure do like the fight of the big ones. You liked our makeshift ramp?

Re: [wiperhunter2] Another Huntington tiger Report - Kent - 10-23-2003

What size boat did you launch?

Re: [wiperhunter2] Another Huntington tiger Report - fuzzyfisher - 10-23-2003

great report WH2 glad to hear that you got up and gave it a try!! the tigers seem to be rely acttive right now.. hope it stays that way when the ice season starts.. i'v talked to other's around the area here and it seems that most the pepole that go up with a boat are getting fish with a variety of stuff.. so if you go try your faverite lure it might be just the thing thay want..

from the fuzzyfisher------------------------fish on dudes

Re: [Theekillerbee] Another Huntington tiger Report - wiperhunter2 - 10-23-2003

We got some pictures but only a couple turned out, I stayed up until 1 am trying to downsize them but gave up. I finally got the right size but BFT says they are still too big, I'll post them as soon as I get it right. The ramp was fine but how did you guys get the trailer over that big rock? WH2

Re: [kentofnsl] Another Huntington tiger Report - wiperhunter2 - 10-24-2003

Kent,The boat we were in is a 12 footer.

TKB, I think that first picture of the slayer is with a 18 incher. This next one is the big one for the trip at a little over 19 inches. I don't think we caught any gold ones but these were the biggest two from the trip. WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] Another Huntington tiger Report - Theekillerbee - 10-24-2003

That sure is a nice fish. Congrats. I wish I could make it up there again before the ice-up. It sure is a beautiful little lake, and it has some cool looking fish. It's cool that you were able to catch your first tiger trout. It was the first for both Petty4Life and myself. Great report, thanks.

Re: [Theekillerbee] Another Huntington tiger Report - wiperhunter2 - 10-25-2003

Yes the tigers are cool looking fish and that makes two tigers for me this year, a tiger muskie and a few tiger trout. A good year for tigers. WH2