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1 less on bucket list - Printable Version

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1 less on bucket list - Flyfishinglover - 07-28-2012

Today I was suppose to take my sister to deer creek so she can practice for her 5 k swim tournament comming soon but Sadly she decided to work longer [mad] but that wasn't going to ruin my day. Hoped into car and off to secret spot one. Caught a few bluegills, sunfish and sunfish. Bass dinky blue gill some nice 5-6 in big as my hand, sun fish fat. Then into car and hopped to kidney pond. No love. Sandy pond no love. I decided why not go hit some old timer holes on the Jordan river that I haven been to for so many years. Caught 2 small white bass small but a least off the bucket list. Later a huge carp almost took my lure but I said no way he's going to have it. Later did some night fishing at willow pond and nothing. Secret spot and river good. Ponds = nothing.

Sorry no pics my pc Internet receptor broke in my room so no pic till more cash in pocket.

Re: [Flyfishinglover] 1 less on bucket list - FishingLunatic - 07-28-2012

Do u fish Kidney pond often? I hate pond fishing my self but I go ALL the time up to kidney pond and fish the river.

Re: [FishingLunatic] 1 less on bucket list - Flyfishinglover - 07-28-2012

I usually fish it in the spring time and fly fish because its fast fishing but now dead slow

Re: [Flyfishinglover] 1 less on bucket list - FishingLunatic - 07-28-2012

Nice. I know what u mean by slow....Is it slower in the summer cause it gets fished out or is it cause its super shallow and hot? I fish the river in a few spots just north of it. Haven't in a while though because I'm trying to zone in on channel cats. I wanna find a remote smot no one knows about that isn't close to Utah lake and has big channel cats or huge carp or whatever huge lol

Re: [FishingLunatic] 1 less on bucket list - Flyfishinglover - 07-29-2012

very true plus they dont really stock in the summer [Sad]. Ya i tried to fish the river next to pond but nothing up there sometimes i see people catching some kitties and if your extremely luck u might catch a big bow.