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New reels that won't break the bank - Printable Version

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New reels that won't break the bank - flygoddess - 08-27-2012

Allen Fly Fishing gear. Justin and Evan are always looking to improve on the gear they carry.
The new AST line was introduced earlier this year. I got the AST 9' 6 wt four piece rod and it is fantastic. A Medium Action rod in beautiful red.
[Image: IMG_4274.jpg]

Recently they have added some new reels. Fantastic drag, well made reels.\The New AST reel

[Image: 006.jpg]
[Image: 008.jpg]

This is a great reel and the price is very friendly.

There will be a new one out soon and I have got to play with the Proto Type. I have this in a 7/8 wt for my Carp fishing.
This reel is SOLID!!!
[Image: 010.jpg]
[Image: 019.jpg]
Just sharing this great find I came across.

Re: [flygoddess] New reels that won't break the bank - macfly55 - 08-30-2012

Awesome .. I keep looking back and forth at their stuff and just cant justify a purchase... and its not them.. its money.. but I will say they have some awesome deals that usually run weekly.. and if Im not mistaken arent they doing a big holiday weekend sale right now..

did I read right.. they now have lines???

and you are testing prototypes??

MacFly :-)

Re: [macfly55] New reels that won't break the bank - flygoddess - 08-30-2012

Actually, these are proto type. I am trying to get the juices flowing. There is a NEW Trout II that is so smooth, light weight and beautiful. Price will be $139. I think but this is so worth that.
Not sure about the lines. I think they tried that but to keep the quality was tough so, I think they discontinued fly line.

The reels on sale right now is the best you will ever find IMHO at a discontiued price that is very nice. I have three of them on order.

Re: [flygoddess] New reels that won't break the bank - macfly55 - 09-05-2012

what and you didnt order me one for my 4 wt sage for Christmas ?? ... :-)..

I will agree that is a great price .. but again use versus cost is the argument that I get all the time..

have a good one sis...
