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Cabo Bite Report - CaptGeo - 09-03-2012

[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] Aug 27 – Sept 2, 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Afterthe rains we had the last week we thought that was the end for awhile, but we received more rain, 2 ½ inches here at the house onThursday as thunderstorms moved in over our area. Lots of lightningand thunder came with the rain, but now the desert looks tropical andgreen instead of dry and brown. One more week and there will beflowers everywhere! This is the season when this type of weather cancome up quickly and until the end of October we could get rain at anytime. Our daytime highs have been in the high 90's since Thursdayand the humidity has been high as well. We have had lots ofmosquitoes due to the rain as well as gnats, so a good bug spray orcream has come in just as handy as sunscreen this week. The goodthing is that you don't have to worry about them if you are out onthe water fishing![/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]AsHurricane Ileana passed by well to the west we experienced stormswells of up to 8 feet with a spacing of about 9 seconds, fairlyclose together, so the water was up and down, but without much, ifany, chop on top of it. At the end of the week the swells haddropped to 3-5 feet from the southwest. Temperatures on the Cortezside of the Cape were in and around 87 degrees while on the Pacificside we were seeing 84-85 degrees. The inshore water on both sidesof the Cape was dirty and off-color due to the runoff caused by therains, and the offshore water was slightly off-color on the Cortezside. On the Pacific side the offshore water was a nice clear blue.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]No change from last week as water conditions inshore made baitdifficult to get. Caballito and Mullet were available at the normal$3 per bait and you could get them if you were out early, many boatswere unable to get bait and had to settle for frozen horse ballyhooat $3 each. I heard reports that there were a few Sardinia availablein the San Jose area, but you had to know someone and pay well forthem.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: Sailfish continued to be the number one Billfish for the week asmost boats were having at least two to three come into the patternsometime during the trip. A few boats managed to find small groupsof Striped Marlin as well, getting covered up but only managing toget a couple to the boat for releases. As far as the larger Marlingo, there was a scattering of Blue Marlin bites reported with themajority being reported from the Pacific side of the Cape. A fewBlack Marlin were reported as well and most of these fish were beingfound up in the area of the Gorda Banks and north.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: Tuna lost their place as the fish of the week asthe Dorado bite started off strong, but there were still plenty ofTuna around. Most of the fish were reported from the Pacific sidebetween the lighthouse and the San Jaime Banks with a few schools ofdecent fish being found at the 1,000 fathom line south of the SanJaime. Porpoise were the key, as usual, and if there were birds withthem, all the better. The majority of fish caught were between 8 and15 pounds but there was a scattering of fish between 18 and 35pounds. I did hear of several larger fish, between 100 and 150pounds being caught as well, so you never know what might hit!

[#000000]DORADO: Well, our expectations were met andif you managed to fins any floating debris this week it was aguarantee of Dorado action, at least if you were the first boat tofind it! Most of the fish were smaller ones at 8 to 12 pounds, butthere were enough of them to 20 pounds to keep you hoping. Accordingto reports I have been getting there are some really nice fish up inthe East Cape area, plenty of them over 20 pounds and it should justbe a matter of time until they start to show up in our area, or untilour fish grow that large. Trolling lures until you hook up and thendropping back live or cut bait has worked while waiting for somedebris to show up, and of course that old dependable method oflooking for working Frigate birds will never stop working. Themajority of the smaller Dorado were found closer to shore on thePacific side of the Cape and the larger fish were found a bit fartherout, at least 5 miles, in the blue water.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: Inshore fishing was very slowthis week as the rains have resulted in very off-color water out to ½mile. Combine that with the storm swells churning up the beach earlyin the week and most Pangas were venturing outside to fish Dorado andTuna.[/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! It's a really yummy one![/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: After a day of pumping out the vacantpool behind the house (mosquito central, and full of debris) there isstill about 18 inches in the bottom. When we get back from the beachI am back at it again, slathered up with a good repellent. Douse theremainder with bleach and hope it kills the buggers. My garden is ahappy one, all this rain has the plants smiling. Checking out theweather satellite animations it looks like we may get a few more rainclouds this afternoon and there might be something building up wellto the southwest of us. A few Purse Seiners have shown up in ourarea this week so I am not sure how long the Tuna bite will remaingood, but our fingers are crossed, as always, that things will workout in the anglers favor! This weeks report was written to the musicof my friend and amigo Bryan Flynn, what a great guitar! Until nextweek, tight lines![/#000000]