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Help on wobblers - Printable Version

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Help on wobblers - TomTomTomTom - 09-12-2012

Hello Bigfishingtackle!

I am new to the forum, so let me start by introducing myself: I am Lurr, ruler of the planet omnicron persi- i 8! No, just kidding. I'm Tom. (And as you saw, I love futurama Big Grin )

So, I have a question. I would be very thankful if you all could try to help me.

I recently started out fishing, and I love it! First, I started with floaters when I was on vacation, but then I came back to where I live and I started lure fishing.

I do not have many lures yet- I have 3x spinners, 1x wobbler that swims 2 inches below water (I found this one), 1 spoon, and 2 jigs.

I fish at älvkarleby,'+13.89%22,+%2B17%C2%B0+26'+17.44%22&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x4660eb25dda8ea57:0x1300fef3178c27d0,%2B60%C2%B0+34'+13.86%22,+%2B17%C2%B0+26'+17.68%22&ei=D7pQUMXjCaT-4QTh8IHABw&ved=0CCAQ8gEwAA, . The water is dark, and fast moving.http://(

I read that I can catch pike, brown trout and zander up there. I want to, but non of my lures succeed. I usually go fishing on days where its constant sun, or cloudy/sunny.

Anyway, I would like to but a lure that could catch me some of those fish. The technique I use is slow retrieve. I have a spinner rod with a spinning reel. I looked at some rapala lures, but I'm not sure which one is the best.

Can you help me find this lure? I would be very thankful!!!

Thank you!

Re: [TomTomTomTom] Help on wobblers - gdn443 - 09-13-2012

My all around lure in my box is a jointed minnow Rapala, in gold or shad color. [Image: spacer.gif]Blue has worked for me on trout. Most lures are fish specific. A buzzbait in white will get Pike to hit.