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Strato-G, Guntersville, BFL Super Tourny Bass, 9-15-12, Chris - Printable Version

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Strato-G, Guntersville, BFL Super Tourny Bass, 9-15-12, Chris - FishNews - 09-21-2012

emoSorry not gonna get a good report here. Prefish 2 days, 1st day of tourny today. Prefish lower end, dead sea, ran to Goosepond area. Co-angler puts 1 in boat on 4 th cast, emoThumbsup, thought ok, gonna be good. We are mat fishing, Chris gets blowups, I get to wash my frog. All in all, chris had 3, I had 2 to weigh. Half the field 0 ed if u add boater & co-angler together. 21 & 16 lb leading day 1.We did have about 50 or better blowups, they would just not get froggy in throat emoBadLanguage ..........anyway, mat fishing all day with little flipping....water stain, 82 degree............light north wind....... emoGeezer emoUSA