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Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

I call with Jazz Perch or as I call him "Most complicated person to go fishing with." Had plans to go to Weber river but I didn't have the money too driver there or to buy any egg patters so I told him Im going to be at east canyon call him his dad pics up and says he went to his gramas house to help out. GRRRRRR he could of call and told me hes not going fishing at least. Complicated man I say.

Just because I went fishing on Friday and showed my dad all the big fish I caught up there he end up dragging me for a small trip to east canyon today. Got there around 9 am ish but the great delay time with putting up my float tube and nice and ready. I end up launching at 10 am ish. Trolling around with woolly bugger only few hits then I decide just to slap the great old crawdad. Fishing today wasn't the best I though when the wind would pick up it would be hit after hit but not so true this time. My dad caught 8 bows and I caught 8 bows but my fish were bigger then his like always. As well I lost quite a few fish like always and great cheerful words come out of my mouth to share how I felt at that moment like always. [Wink]

Fish size range from 13-17" this time.

Just gota love fly fishing even when it out fishes the shore bait fisher man and womens XD. Fly fishing = big fish. Bait fishing= ok size[laugh]

Once again all the trolling I did was totally worth it when I caught a male spawner just love the colors on the spawning bows. Caught one female on Friday and a male today. This week was a hand full of great fishing trips.

As well I saw an amazing bald eagle flying around me and back to the nest and saw some sheep as well again. Great way to end the weekend.


Re: [Flyfishinglover] Last East Canyon trip - GEEZER - 11-26-2012

You're gonna think I'm dumber than a box of rocks but what the he-- does "shred the gnar" refer to?

Re: [GEEZER] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

Yes yes you are.

Its mostly used by snowboarders and surfers term for like amazing powder, he or she did an awesome trick, sick ride, ect.

I usually use it when its an amazing powder day. [Tongue]

Re: [Flyfishinglover] Last East Canyon trip - flygoddess - 11-26-2012

I use to ski, both snow and water. Better at water...LOL, I leave the snow boarding to my cousin JP. He is pretty good[Wink]
but he talks normal......LOL
[url ""][/url]

Nice fish, I think. Cutting board doesn't help on size though...try putting something next to it like a pop can or something,
We got to step you up to BUNNY leeches. and eggs (glow bugs) are the easiest thing (next to San Juan Worm) to tie
[url ""][/url]

Re: [flygoddess] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

Ya I might start tying flies this summer. I just wanted to put on the cutting board and take a pic but my dads fish were from 15-16" that he kept but I kept two 17" one 16" and one fat healthy 15". At least I had a great day away from my pc as long as possible [Wink]

Re: [GEEZER] Last East Canyon trip - TubeDude - 11-26-2012

[cool][#0000ff]Hey Tom, us old timers have probably shredded a lot of stuff over the years...just not sure if was a gnar or not.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Better to have shredded a gnar and lost then never to have shredded at all.[/#0000ff]

Re: [flygoddess] Last East Canyon trip - STEVEF39 - 11-26-2012

Eggs are easy to tie[bobdumb], for some reason I cant figure out how to tie them, makes me feel really pathetic, they look so easy and yet cant do it [pirate], Whats the easyest way to tie them, I saw somebody on youtube just buying premade balls and glueing them to hooks [cool], I think thats what Im going to have to do[Tongue]

Re: [STEVEF39] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

Dont forget about your little painting kit to put those colorful dots on ha ha ha..

Re: [TubeDude] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

Nice one tubedude [Smile]

Re: [Flyfishinglover] Last East Canyon trip - Jazzperch1 - 11-26-2012

well when you text me and say you cant go to the weeb at 10 the previous night i went somewhere else with my other buddy in the morning. and i never said a thing about east canyon bro. plus i work a full time job and then some and dont get many days off, if i was a kid in high school i would have more extra time too.

Re: [Jazzperch1] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-26-2012

You told me you would call me Saturday but you didn't!!! [mad] As well you said you didn't really care where we should go fishing as well ha ha ha.

Re: [STEVEF39] Last East Canyon trip - gstott - 11-26-2012

Here is a really easy and effective egg pattern.

Re: [gstott] Last East Canyon trip - flygoddess - 11-26-2012

I love those gummie eggs[Smile] They are cheap enough as well, just be sure to use waterproof glue.
You can also make eggs out of chenille. Figure 8's
[Image: IMG_4302.jpg]

Re: [flygoddess] Last East Canyon trip - gstott - 11-27-2012

Those and the premade sparkle eggs are my favs for spawn time. Think I might have to try some egg patterns when I finally get out this week.

Re: [flygoddess] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-27-2012

Gosh I wish the ones you gave me that one day didn't collapse so easily!!! [Sad]

Re: [STEVEF39] Last East Canyon trip - TylerKunz - 11-27-2012

[quote STEVEF39]Eggs are easy to tie[bobdumb], for some reason I cant figure out how to tie them, makes me feel really pathetic, they look so easy and yet cant do it [pirate], Whats the easyest way to tie them, I saw somebody on youtube just buying premade balls and glueing them to hooks [cool], I think thats what Im going to have to do[Tongue][/quote] Steve , I just buy the plastic eggs and put them on scud hooks. Works great and trout can't tell the difference !

Re: [STEVEF39] Last East Canyon trip - TubeDude - 11-27-2012

[cool][#0000ff]I haven't fished egg patterns much in Utah, but used to fish steelhead, salmon and big rainbows in California coastal rivers. When I lived in Sacramento, right on the American River, I tied and used "glo-bugs" in several colors. Got lots of fish on them too. But there were days when just putting an orange bead on the line above a small bait hook caught more fish than even natural roe.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are lots of beads available online but a trip to a well stocked hobby shop will supply you with a variety of sizes and colors for a reasonable price. I have always done best with a bright orange bead.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Note: There are some variations possible. One is to string two beads above the hook. The other is to tie a wisp of white marabou or synthetic fiber on the simulate milt or white membrane from a skein of eggs. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can fish beads with either a fly rod or a spinning rod.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-27-2012

The bead idea is interesting never though of that. Cheap and worked for you hmmm.... I might have too try it one day.

Re: [Flyfishinglover] Last East Canyon trip - TubeDude - 11-27-2012

[cool][#0000ff]Remind me when you come over later and I will give you a few to try.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Last East Canyon trip - Flyfishinglover - 11-27-2012

Believe me I won't forget about you fishing master!!! Ha ha ha.