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shsimons, Nickajack/Chickamauga, catfish, 12-1-12, Braxton and Brandon - Printable Version

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shsimons, Nickajack/Chickamauga, catfish, 12-1-12, Braxton and Brandon - FishNews - 12-03-2012

This might be the longest day of my life, as I believe I don't even remember this morning being this morning.<br /> <br />It all began like this..........<br /> <br />I awoke at 6 A.M. with the feeling of excitement in the air. It is December after all! That means the potential of a giant filled out winter cat, even though it hasn't been raining like the last two years. I invited my friend Brandon and his brother Braxton along. Braxton is a former student. They lost their mom last year, and I admire their courage in staying strong despite everything they've gone through. I started out throwing the cast net, as I figure we should get some bass in the boat. The low current, and poof, the shad are gone on the river. Where, you take a guess, because I don't know! We put about 10 bluegill in the livewell, and we're off for some catfishing. I had some old skipjack, and the bluegill for bait. First anchor, not a sniff. 2nd anchor, a few small bites from what I like to call "chicken" fish. Third anchor, I'm messing with my depth finder trying to figure out why it's giving me false readings and won't read my new map card. Brandon and Braxton get distracted, anchor fishing does that to a guy, and I finally look back to check on the rods. Oh no, a rod is down, who knows how long, and we're in the GIANT FISH spot! My 83, and Craig's 85 the last 2 years. I crank down on the bad boy, and oh man, it's a big boy! I'm excited for Braxton. He fights the fish for awhile, and he's about to give out, so Brandon takes over. By this point though, the blue made his way in the snag and broke off. Size unknown, but not little. Little did Braxton know, my heart was sliced into a bazillion pieces as I hurt something bad when a big one breaks off in structure on an 80 lb leader. We try another hole, anchoring and drifting, no takers. I've got to get this boy a big cat! We need to redeem ourselves for not paying attention! I head downtown. One of the coolest things ever happens. On the Delta Queen, a big bell sounds, like a dinner bell. A rod goes down right after that sound, and it made for a good laugh. Braxton brings a 14 lber into the boat. I go to make another anchor, and I hear a loud pop. Oh well, I didn't like that 30 lb anchor anyway. Goodbye anchor, enjoy the bottom of the river where you don't get to stay warm in my boat compartment. You'll just be cold all winter long. Our catfishing trip was over, we tried a little drifting, but nothing cooperated.<br /> <br />After that, I went ahead and went to the lake. I cast netted some bait and caught 1 bass in Wolftever Creek trying to catch crappie on shad. Now, I had the decision to go back to the river with my shad or just stick it out there. This is where I felt a spiritual bliss. 65 degrees, a setting sun, glassy water, and a variety of animals. there was my friend the raccoon who watched me fish, a squirrel, 2 fighting cats, and the best of all........ On my way out, I stopped to watch a bass bust on a bait. As I stopped, I heard the coolest rustling/running noise. I look up on the hillside, and 6 deer are bounding at such a steep angle I don't know how they did it with such speed and grace. I just shake my head, bliss I tell you! Wolftever is the wildlife sanctuary, and the fishing doesn't even matter when you see all those animals. I met Richard at the gas station to get my old 30 lb anchor back. By tomorrow, hopefully I've showered and I can repeat the same thing over again, only this time, the big one won't get away, or will he? I'm ordering a Jimmy John's sub and fishing every big fish hole on the river. Tomorrow is the day, and if the shad survive tonight in the parking lot, well......... SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!