drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 04 Jan 2013, cuonthelake - Printable Version
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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 04 Jan 2013, cuonthelake - FishNews - 01-09-2013
Candi and I got out this afternoon for the first fishing trip of the new year. We fished for crappie and didn&#39;t do too badly. We landed 27 in about 3.5 hours. It was sunny and the wind wasn&#39;t terrible, just out of the North, but manageable. We had enough warm clothing on that we didn&#39;t even get cold while running from one end of the lake to the other. emoBig <br /><br />We tried a little bit of everything. Started off on a roadbed and caught a couple of crappie and 1 yellow bass. Then we hit a couple of docks and caught fish on both of the 2 docks that we tried. Then we ran up to the intake at Sequoia, but no baitfish and nada bite, period! Then we hit a couple more docks and caught a few more fish and called it a day. Oh, I was about to forget, we did try one offshore structure and caught the largest fish of the day, about 12.5 to 13&quot; long and thick and healthy. Candi landed another fish on this spot, but it was so windy in that area and the current was against us, so we gave it up on that spot, but I believe that there were several fish that could have been caught if I could have kept the boat in position. We didn&#39;t keep any fish today.<br /><br />Candi, thanks for going with me today. It is always nice when you can get out in January and it is sunny and pleasant temperature too. Bonus fishing day. Just think! About 6 more weeks until we should get a break in the weather. Thank you, Lord, for letting us have such a beautiful day. emoBig emoGeezer