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Kingfish, Chickamauga, Crappie, 1-5-2013, Grayson & Archie - Printable Version

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Kingfish, Chickamauga, Crappie, 1-5-2013, Grayson & Archie - FishNews - 01-10-2013

<br /> We waited until the sun came up to go fishing. Put the boat in around 9:00am and fished until 1:00pm. Not a hint of a breeze. All was calm while we sat fishing in 43* water.<br /> That was until we started loading up on a herd of White Crappie. We caught 15 keepers in a row before catching the first short fish. At least 90% of the Crappie we caught were White Crappie. Some of the Crappie were so thick and broad shouldered you could have put a Saddle on them.<br /> Most of the Crappie were 11-1/2" to just short of 13". We single pole fished using Bobby Garland Baby Shad. The best color was something with chartruese on it. <br /> We added some Crappie Condos in the am. Should help the fishing this spring.