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michigan ice SE is thin at best - Printable Version

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michigan ice SE is thin at best - davetclown - 01-15-2013

yep, we got our share of the tropical rain and heat wave. 2+ inches of rain in three days. 60degrees for a couple days in a row, with only 3-4 inches top in the best of places.

ice is thin at best, tho many of the lakes stayed crusted over, that gives hopes for good ice should we get a few nipply days of sub temps.

not a good idea to venture out any time soon as there is not any good ice making weather in the forcast for the next 7 days, We may have to look to our rivers for a little crome action to tide us over, that or take the dogs out and chase a few bunnies.

Re: [davetclown] michigan ice SE is thin at best - davetclown - 01-22-2013

as I said last week, the ice is not safe and wont be for some time.

yesterday 2 guys went in. the second went in just moments after the first was rescued and hauled off. He even watched the rescue.

He thought because he was only 10 feet from shore he was safe. fortunatly for him it was only knee deap. Both he and his dog had a cold walk home. the first guy went to the hospitol.

a third guy went though my lake. yep he went down to his waist.

Remember that 2.5 inches of tropical rain we had. that was a worm rain... 50-60 degrees. The worm water reeked havoc on the ice from the under side. and because the water was covered over the wind did not get a chance to cool down the water though rotation. This means at least 2 more weeks of sub temps befor the ice will be not safe BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SAFE ICE.

a guy called me up today wanting to take his sled out on the ice..[crazy]