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Floridas Marco Rubio Comments on Sportsmans Act - Printable Version

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Floridas Marco Rubio Comments on Sportsmans Act - FishNews - 01-17-2013

The Sportsmen's Act of 2012, (S. 3525).

Marco Rubio

United States Senator

On September 10, 2012, S. 3525 was introduced in the 112thCongress by Senator Jon Tester (MT). This legislation calls for responsible actions that strengthen our outdoor economy and secure our outdoor heritage for future generations. Many provisions in S. 3525, including greater accessibility to hunting permits and hunting on federal lands, would ensure that sportsmen are made partners in the sustainability of our heritage. Additionally, protections for the indigenous billfish and marlin populations would safeguard their long-term viability and continued contribution to our recreational economy.

This legislation also provides important clarity for all Americans that our nation's traditional ammunition supply will not be threatened by the Environmental Protection Agency. By ensuring no ban is placed on traditional ammunition, Congress can protect American jobs and ease the burdens of hunters and sportsmen. On September 22, 2012, the Senate, with my support, moved to debate S. 3525 by an 84 to 7 margin. However, the debate in the Senate did not move forward. On November 26, 2012, S. 3525 was placed on the legislative calendar but has since expired. While this bill has yet to be reintroduced into the 113thCongress, please know should it or similar legislation come before the Senate for consideration I will keep your thoughts in mind.

It is an honor to serve the people of Florida. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this important topic and will keep your thoughts in mind. If I can be of further assistance, please contact my office.


Marco Rubio<br />
United States Senator