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bear lake? - Mooncricket - 03-09-2013

Just wondering if anybodys been at big blue this week and what conditions are like? And if anybody has an update on the fishing?

Re: [Mooncricket] bear lake? - Bama_Boy - 03-09-2013

Just got back. Ice was 14 inches with about 3 or so inches of packed snow on top. Caught a 25 inch lake trout today. Lots of looks though. Will be heading back up the first part of next week.

Re: [Bama_Boy] bear lake? - Mooncricket - 03-09-2013

very nice ben sound like you are doing pretty good up there i still havent hooked up yet any pointers you can spare? im headed up in the morning to give it another go cant get that place out of my head i got to score atleast a cutt

Re: [Mooncricket] bear lake? - Bama_Boy - 03-09-2013

Get away from the crowds. I've only caught 2 lakers and the one cutthroat. Got skunked last Saturday. Caught the one today on a castmaster and waxies. They were having no part of anything else I put in front of them. Just gotta try different stuff if something isn't working. Wish I was heading up in the morning.

Re: [Bama_Boy] bear lake? - Mooncricket - 03-09-2013

I guess I just got to keep on throwing my box of goodies at them and keep tryin I wont give up who knows maybe tomorrows my lucky day

Re: [Mooncricket] bear lake? - lavaman - 03-09-2013

Hey Mooncricket, good luck tomorrow. Me and Yote will be there trying our luck. Never give up, you never know if you'll get the big one.

Re: [Mooncricket] bear lake? - wiperhunter2 - 03-09-2013

One thing that might help you, fish in water that is 70' to 80'. When you find that depth start drilling holes until you see fish on or near the bottom. I only use tube jigs but it helps to have several different colors, from dark to light. Good luck.

Re: [lavaman] bear lake? - Mooncricket - 03-09-2013

Thanks lava im gonna give it all I got been up five times this year and not a bumb but my son has caught one small cutt and has lost a few but maybe its my turn figures the kids always out fish the adults! Thanks wiper I got a good assortment of tubes and colors and lots of cisco I guess its all right time and place I will report if we catchsomething other than a cold