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Here's a post - albinotrout - 04-18-2013

[Tongue]ok I'm a posting here for ya byte bull! Hope the fishing good.

Re: [albinotrout] Here's a post - bytebull - 04-19-2013

When I fish it's always good....

thanks for the post... I been working to get members at this forum in BFT for two years or more now...

Nice to see a post here... hahaha

And it isn't that crazy for us Arkansas fishermen to fish in that kind of weather. I caught my biggest right before a tornado hit about 10 miles east of me...

Yea I'm crazy, crazy for catching Bass!

Re: [bytebull] Here's a post - Paulpro - 05-30-2013

Maybe my Joe Dirt kitty video will help get the Arkansa board on Top!,then Florida,then UTAH![:p]

[url ""] [Image: mqdefault.jpg] 4:14[/url]
[url ""]Joe Dirt Kitty Waking Up![/url]

Re: [albinotrout] Here's a post - Paulpro - 06-01-2013

I 'd like to contribute as well,more kitty video,fishing in heavy wind and rain with my cat.[Smile]

[url ""] [Image: mqdefault.jpg] 28:34[/url]
[url ""]Its Raining Bass and Peacock bass!!!

You can hear her upset from the rain in the second clip after I land this fish,and u can see her after the rain in the last clip,this is same day I caUGHT THE aLBINO CAT FISH