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Trapping - boredfishing - 01-02-2014

Recently got into tanning hides and I've always been pretty good at skinning animals but I was thinking of taking up trapping. I have messed with snares and been successful. Was thinking of getting a few different size traps, I am thinking bunnies, yotes, and fox. Suggestions on size of traps? scents? lures? Thanks for the support.

Shooting yotes is always fun but just learning the area and what is hunt-able and not. Trapping seems "safer" lots of people out and about.

Re: [boredfishing] Trapping - idahoron - 01-04-2014

As a guy that has had my dog caught many times in traps I hate trapping. It servers a purpose but I almost got in a fight with a trapper that thought I didn't have the right to take my dog out of his trap. If you do this remember that other people have a right to be there too. Ron

Re: [idahoron] Trapping - boredfishing - 01-04-2014

For sure there is always that one guy who makes things worse than they ever really need to be. I understand saving your dog and I was thinking of almost "labeling" my traps with a marker flag. Man, Ice fishing has ruined me when it comes to flags. I drive by a marker flag and think "FLAG UP!!!" Anyways, I think this would be small enough that it wouldn't bother the animals but it would make it a bit safer for people and their dogs. I just worry about people messing with my gear. There is no shortage of anti-hunters here in Idaho. WOW.. not used to this.

Re: [boredfishing] Trapping - idahoron - 01-05-2014

For us Chukar hunters we like the flags so we can just go to a different spot. I hate getting into someone else's stuff.
My dog got caught so I hear her scream and I start running to her. I hear that if a dog get's in a snare they have about 1 minute to live. So I am running down this trail along the canyon and bam I step on one and as I am trying to get my self out I get caught in another. I get my dog out of the trap and I put her leash on and I go to a different area. Here comes the trapper and he wants to kick my butt. I wanted to leave him in the bottom of the canyon that day. He got lucky he didn't push me a little farther.

Re: [idahoron] Trapping - cattrapr - 01-05-2014

Okay, I Have To Add MY Two Cents, I Have Been A Trapper For More Than 20 Years. I Have Ran Into More Belligerant Chukar Hunters Than I Care To Talk About. I Promise We Dont Want To Catch Dogs!! They Dont Bring Me ANY Money. I Even Had A Chukar Dog Stuck In one Of My Traps. It Had A Collar With A Phone Number. I Fed It My Lunch, Took It Home And Called The Owner. After All Of That I Was Accused Of Being In The Bad Guy. I Will Never Do That Again. Next Time The Dog Can Fend For Itself,. I Think We Are All Out There To Have Fun, Wether It Is Trapping Or Bird Hunting. It Is Just Sad That Bird Hunters Think We Set Traps To Catch Thier Dogs. I Have Flagged My Traps Only To Go Check Them And Someone Has Stolen Them All, So Sorry That Doesnt Work Either. If You WaNt Info On Trapping Pm Me I Would Be Glad To Help.

Re: [cattrapr] Trapping - idahoron - 01-05-2014

I understand that trappers don't want to catch dogs, I get it. But we don't want our dogs caught, we don't want our day ruined by our dogs being hurt or or even killed.

If you don't let me know where your traps are how am I supposed to keep out of them?
The owner of the dog could not find it because it was in YOUR trap. YOU kept him from finding it yet HE is he jerk? Because a series of events YOU caused took his family member from him.

What if someone's kid saw a guy walking and came over to talk and him and he pushed him in a hole where no one could see the child or help it, how does that person look? How does that person live with them self's that they caused the death?
If your trap kept that person from finding their dog then it is YOUR fault. No matter how mad the guy got that you had his dog, it was your trapping that took the dog from the owner.

One more thing a lot of trapper do that I don't care for. Instead of walking their trap line they are illegally driving their ATV's off road to check their traps. I can't hunt off my ATV and I leave it and walk. I know there are some chukar hunters that hunt off their ATV's just like there are probably some trappers that walk to their traps. One thing I think your wrong on. I am out there purely for the fun. I can't go out have a good time and then sell the chukar I shoot. The trapper is out there to make money plain and simple. If the animals they caught were not allowed to be sold most trappers would not be trapping.

I appreciate the offer of a trapping class but I think I am done with this before we end up saying things that we shouldn't be saying. Ron

Re: [idahoron] Trapping - idtroutfool - 01-06-2014

First off, I think we need to get away from the mentality of a pet being a member of the family. A dog is an animal not a human family member. Let me ask you this, if your dog and your child were drowning which would you save?

I agree it is frustrating for your dog to get caught in a trap and for you to risk it being injured after all the time and expense of raising and training it but let's not make it out to be anything more than a dog.

As a trapper I will not flag my traps because there are too many people who would steal them or in the very least destroy the set and ruin my chances at a catch. I don't trap just for the money, it is as enjoyable a pastime as hunting. I've never caught anyones dog and maybe it is only a matter of time until I do but the owner is fully within their legal right to remove their dog from my traps. The work of skinning, fleshing and putting up fur is also enjoyable.

I fail to see how in cattrapr's example he was the jerk. Sure the dog got caught in his trap but the reasons why the owner did not find the dog aren't directly related to that. Was the owner out of sight and earshot of his dog? Why was he so far away from his dog, and why was his dog so far outside of his control? It seems to me that the dog owner contributed to the events that kept his "family member" away from him.

Re: [idtroutfool] Trapping - dtayboyz - 01-06-2014

I appreciate the passion on both side of this issue. One of my greatest fears is one of my dogs in a trap and I don't know how I would react. As a responsible pet owner I assume everywhere we go is a minefield. Perhaps signs at trail heads or access points would help the trapper impaired public. Once the wolves get a taste for kitty cats and yip yip dogs this topic is gonna get red hot in "the valley". Trapping this year sux, hell there's not even any rabbits.

Re: [idahoron] Trapping - boredfishing - 01-06-2014

I've had my dog in a trap before but nothing "deadly" . I understand and want to make sure that the great outdoors stays GREAT!

I'm sorry to hear about your luck.

Don't let one bad guy ruin your experience. If that were the case.. I would of quit fishing and hunting a long time ago. Maybe we can out some time?

Re: [cattrapr] Trapping - boredfishing - 01-06-2014

I heard about you.. if you're the one who is hunting towards the Nevada border. A lot of people have given you respect for helping that dog.

I hear you're good at what you do if you are one in the same. I understand where Ron is coming from and I understand where you are coming from. He just don't want to see his dog hurt. It's a member of the family. Heck.. My kids call my dog their brother. They grew up together.

Now someone stealing my hard earned money.. We are gonna have issues Smile haha.. Yeah.. I'll hit you up and I'd like to learn more on the subject.

Re: [idtroutfool] Trapping - boredfishing - 01-06-2014

Well in the rumor I heard, he caught a hound dog who was apparently chasing a cat. The hunter must of been slow or without a mode of transportation. My dad is a hound hunter in the area and I've been out only once or twice with him. It's an extreme sport. I wanted to take up trapping for the past time and to keep a heritage alive. It's a "dying" / misunderstood tradition. I hope I can help keep it alive.

Re: [dtayboyz] Trapping - boredfishing - 01-06-2014

Sad.. nothing like a good cooked rabbit too

Re: [idtroutfool] Trapping - idahoron - 01-06-2014

[quote idtroutfool]First off, I think we need to get away from the mentality of a pet being a member of the family. A dog is an animal not a human family member. Let me ask you this, if your dog and your child were drowning which would you save?

If tow of your kids were both drowning and you could only save one which one would you save?
No I won't get away from the mentality that a pet is a family member. You get them as infants and we train them to behave, go to the bathroom in the right places, we feed them we love them. If your "animals" are not family members then I feel sorry for you. There is way more to it then the money to raise and train them. If you can't see it we are done. Ron

Re: [boredfishing] Trapping - idahoron - 01-06-2014

[quote boredfishing]I've had my dog in a trap before but nothing "deadly" . I understand and want to make sure that the great outdoors stays GREAT!

I'm sorry to hear about your luck.

Don't let one bad guy ruin your experience. If that were the case.. I would of quit fishing and hunting a long time ago. Maybe we can out some time?[/quote]

I am not against trapping. I think it is needed for some species to control numbers. I don't know what the answer is for hunting dogs and getting caught. The trappers say it is the hunters fault and we need to train the dogs better. ?? I told the a$$hole that if he set the trap to catch a predator how am I going to keep a predator out of the trap?
When I say deadly I mean it. Snares are deadly and the hunter has precious little time to get to his dog and get the dog out of the snare. My dog is worth more to me than chukar so I do try to find places to stay away from trappers. But that is my area too and they are keeping me off. That pisses me off[bobAngry]. And to top it off guys driveing off road with their ATV's because they are too lazy to walk. Like I said I need to drop this before I say something that will get me in trouble. Ron

Re: [idahoron] Trapping - hulapopper - 01-06-2014

My dogs are my kids. I would do More for them than I would for most of my family. I believe folks do have a right to trap, but would be out for blood if one of my dogs were hurt.

Re: [hulapopper] Trapping - michael44 - 05-05-2014

As somebody that has done a bit of both, trapping, and raising/hunting with dogs. The biggest problem I have encountered is people not taking care of their dogs.
The only situation I could see where you could loose a dog is hounds chasing a cat or something along those lines,
No excuse for a bird dog to ever be out so far that you don't have a real good idea where it is.

If you are out doing those things you know the risks you are taking and should be prepared. To blame the trapper is ignorant, they have just as much of a right to be there as anybody.

I have had dogs for pretty much all my life, Pets, hunters, show dogs. We have 2 excellent pets at the moment and the whole family loves them dearly, one sleeps with my teenage daughter every night the other with my 10 yr old son, at the end of the day they are dogs.......NOT CHILDREN, and will be treated as such. If one of them bites a kid, dirt nap for you. If my kid bites the neighbors kid........your grounded...

Re: [michael44] Trapping - PACKFAN - 05-05-2014

That's funny. [Smile]

Re: [michael44] Trapping - idahoron - 05-12-2014

I am now wondering how much you have hunted with bird dogs.
Yes even well trained dogs can get lost. Sounds of whistles can bounce off rocks and trees to make the sound seem that it is coming from other areas. I have whistled for my dogs and I can see them. They pick up their heads and run for the sound but they are running in the wrong direction. A dog can chase a runner and get lost. Big running Chukar dogs are supposed to run big and yes at times they might be out of sight. That is their job to punch out and find birds.

Your right dogs are NOT children but that doesn't mean that they are not family. In fact I like my dogs more than I like most people including people in my family. I would like to see a law passed that if a trapper catches a dog they are held accountable for vet bills and if the dog dies they are held accountable for the loss of the dog to the owner.

Like you said your self "If you are out doing those things you know the risks you are taking and should be prepared" The trapper should be prepared to face the music if he hurts or kills someones dog. The road goes both ways, and attitudes of the trappers I have seen on this thread have made up my mind that if trapping is ever in danger I won't support them. I supported them last time I won't do it again. Ron