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help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - Printable Version

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help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - lakepowell22 - 01-13-2014

does anyone know any tricks or tips on how to get a snow sled through slush? It's like pulling concrete blocks. It gets stuck on the bottom

Re: [lakepowell22] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - wiperhunter2 - 01-13-2014

Mount skies on the bottom and put them about 6" below the sled.

Re: [wiperhunter2] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - lakepowell22 - 01-13-2014

Thanks! That is genius. Someone told me to spray pam on the bottom of hte sled [frown] Yeah, that didn't work. lol

Re: [lakepowell22] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - BearLakeFishGuy - 01-13-2014

Spray it with Rustoleum Never Wet. I've used this stuff on my sled and my satellite dish. Works great in both locations. You can buy it at Lowes or Home Depot. I even sprayed my boots with it. It gives the boots a light off-white coating, but its about as waterproof as I have ever seen. Here's a link.
[url ""]Never Wet Link[/url]

Re: [lakepowell22] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - wiperhunter2 - 01-13-2014

A lot of folks wax the bottom of their sled before ice fishing season but that does little good in deep heavy snow and slush. If you do use skies, make sure you reinforce the bottom of you sled.

Re: [BearLakeFishGuy] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - Kent - 01-15-2014

That stuff looks great. I am going to purchase some and spray my ice scoops.

Re: [kentofnsl] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - wiperhunter2 - 01-15-2014

Please let me know how it works, I was going to get some as well and try it on my hunting boots but now I'm not sure.

Re: [wiperhunter2] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - Kent - 01-15-2014

I would think the more porous the material the longer it will last. I will let you know how well it works on my boots, sled and ice scoop.

Re: [wiperhunter2] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - Kent - 02-05-2014

I purchased the Rustoleum Never Wet and sprayed it on all three of my ice scoops. It helped a little, but not much. It works great with room-temperature water, but ice still formed when used ice fishing. It is not inexpensive (and no I can't remember how much i paid for it) and it would likely take the entire can to cover a sled. It also appears to wear off easily.

Re: [kentofnsl] help: slush stuck on ice fishing sled - k2muskie - 02-09-2014

Thanks for the feedback on ops checking I was very close to getting...but now based on your review I'll just keeping doing what we do...good pre-season wax on bottom of sled and dealing with ice buildup on ice scoop...I do use a dab of chapstick on first two eyes on ice rods...helps but like anything else have to re-apply.