Hyrum Perch - Printable Version +- Fishing Forum (https://bigfishtackle.com/forum) +-- Forum: Utah Fishing Forum (https://bigfishtackle.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=386) +--- Forum: Utah Fishing General (https://bigfishtackle.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=58) +--- Thread: Hyrum Perch (/showthread.php?tid=865187) |
Hyrum Perch - IceHog - 02-11-2014 Fished Hyrum Saturday, we were on the ice at 6:45 and fished until 1:30. This perch chased my jig to the bottom and as soon as I picked it up he inhaled it. Snapped some quick pics and let him go. We had perch under us the entire time, they covered the bottom three feet. anytime we fished the bottom we caught perch, if we fished above them we caught rainbows. The ice had a little slush on it, but not bad. I also attached a pic of a perch my nephew caught at Mantua about the same size. [signature] Re: [IceHog] Hyrum Perch - Duckbutter - 02-11-2014 And you let it go! That's a high quality supper there. Nice jumbo. [signature] Re: [IceHog] Hyrum Perch - throwback_kid - 02-11-2014 Those are some fat perch! Do you know about www.hyrumdamcam.com? [signature] Re: [throwback_kid] Hyrum Perch - CoyoteSpinner - 02-11-2014 It's a cool cam, but would be better if you could control it like the Livelakecams. Though - it's unfortunate when they go to disrepair, and nobody fixes them (Willard). But that it's a live feed is handy. Icehog - nice football there. She's a fatty, and I'm sure she'll be dumping a few tens of thousands of eggs in short order. Could be in the next couple years we'll see a boom of a good age class. Now Duckbutter - C&R is a personal choice, so don't you go giving him a hard time for dropping that chunker back! (kidding!) Mind if I ask what part of the lake you ventured to? (pm is fine, or no reply is fine too) Hope the edges are holding up, but I have my skepticism... Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Hyrum Perch - stlaf - 02-12-2014 Wow, did you ask where after giving me a lecture just the other day. I guess some have special rules for themselves only.......Happy fishing[fishin] [signature] Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Hyrum Perch - IceHog - 02-12-2014 I'd gladly tell you in a pm, but I'm not sure how you do that. I don't want everyone in eight states there next time I go. [signature] Re: [stlaf] Hyrum Perch - IceHog - 02-12-2014 Coyote has been one person who always responds with good advise. I don't see why we couldn't return the favor. [signature] Re: [IceHog] Hyrum Perch - SkunkedAgain - 02-12-2014 To PM just click on his name at the side of his post in the next screen there is a link to send a PM. Click it and your good to go. Hyrum Perch are really making me scratch my head this year. Last year you couldn't hardly find a perch. In fact Yote spent most of the year looking for one and he is a panfish master slayer. This year Hyrum is crawling with perch they seem to be everywhere I try it. I guess they are small and may be this years spawn but it sure seems like a drastic change. I guess the smaller trout size in general over the last year might have meant the trout didn't feed on them as much but I'd like to know why things are so different. How was the condition of the ice? Is it starting to get rotten? I'm thinking about trying it this weekend if I can get a kitchen pass. Still wondering about Porcupine as well anyone know ice conditions up there? Thanks J [signature] Re: [IceHog] Hyrum Perch - stlaf - 02-12-2014 Yes, he always is kind and has good advice. don't know why but I've been a little snappy the last week. Usually not this way so I apologize and will return to my normal respectful self. I think I need to go fishing! [signature] Re: [stlaf] Hyrum Perch - wiperhunter2 - 02-12-2014 [quote stlaf]Yes, he always is kind and has good advice. don't know why but I've been a little snappy the last week. Usually not this way so I apologize and will return to my normal respectful self. I think I need to go fishing![/quote] This is a common problem with members this time of the year,not getting out as much because of poor ice conditions or whatever the reason. Members start taking on each other and before you know it there is an argument. Yote was not asking a location of a lake like you were, so there is nothing wrong with what he did, of course it does not mean the member needs to tell anyone where their honey hole is. [signature] Re: [wiperhunter2] Hyrum Perch - SkunkedAgain - 02-12-2014 Ya know this whole rule of not asking is kind of dumb, the rule ought to be not to pester if they choose not to provide an answer. Because admit it we all want to know where because of the first three laws of fishing. (Location, location and location) (lake, spot and depth). But we also all understand how pressure in that exact spot affects future catch rates ( conservation of mass states that something will still be there but entropy states that it may degrade from nice fish to poop.). Sorry not a law of biology but I think physics applies ok here. Bottom line is we understand if they dont want to tell us, so we deal with it and try our best to figure it out with the clues we have. (Oops did i type that). Just my vote for a rule rewrite. Later J [signature] Re: [SkunkedAgain] Hyrum Perch - RockyRaab - 02-13-2014 You forgot one rule of nature: People are chitty. If a person posts, "We caught 99 whoppers 100 yards off Moot Point on Lake Wobegone" it would not be ten minutes before there were 199 boats/ice tents clustered right on that spot - with bushel baskets of whoppers being hauled out. The "No HotSpotting" rule makes sense. It's a shame, but it's true. [signature] Re: [SkunkedAgain] Hyrum Perch - wiperhunter2 - 02-13-2014 Jeff, this rule was put in place years ago at the request of members but it is just like anything else, those members move on and new members don't understand why those rules are there. At one time this was a bigger issue but today few members even post about places that can't take the pressure. Some of this would not be a problem, especially on bigger bodies of water, so members could post the location if they chose, like BL. The problem is, we are trying to be fair and it isn't right to tell one member he can't post a location of a smaller body of water, like BC but yet we let another member post a location like BL. We are simply trying to be fair but it would be easier if members posted locations unless they really feel the body of water could not take the pressure. It's a tough call but that is why we get the big bucks........NOT[ ![]() [signature] Re: [wiperhunter2] Hyrum Perch - SkunkedAgain - 02-13-2014 I understand and I don't really have an issue I was just agreeing with the new guys that asking shouldn't be a big deal as long as all understands that membership doesn't entitle you to that information. I take advantage of not telling locations from time to time since I realize the limited resources in some areas get depleted quickly with extra pressure. So not meaning to be a rable rouser just didn't find a good fish story I hadn't read. Later J [signature] Re: [SkunkedAgain] Hyrum Perch - wyoguy - 02-13-2014 Jeff, quit being a trouble maker! LOL Your right, shouldn't be a hanging offense to ask. I think if the poster don't give a location he probably didn't forget he just didn't want to. I would ask in a PM and accept no if that's the case. [signature] Re: [stlaf] Hyrum Perch - CoyoteSpinner - 02-13-2014 No harm no fowl. Since he'd already stated the name of the lake in the title, that boat sailed (sled slid?). If you'll note - I "asked" and "offered" to take it PM. I wasn't asking for GPS points (turned down when offered, thanks anyway) so much as a general - inlet, outlet N,S,E,W... I noticed you were a new member (Welome BTW) and though perhaps you weren't aware of the rule. I did not mean to chastise, and I hope my note didn't come across as such. I believe many (most?) members don't actually read all the guidelines before jumping in, so we overpaid mods try to help steer them. Trust me - members will jump your shark for deviations. I've been know to call folks out for trying to act like Utah Lake is some secret honey hole. Perhaps specific locations, yes (ask TD about the "hole"). I think part of our problem here is the magnitude of lurkers who take, and give none. (then of course THEY are the ones that leave all the trash after raiding your most favoritist spot! jab) Here's the actual guideline (I don't want to call it a RULE... I don't make those...) You'll note - it actually goes two ways. [#0000ff] Quote:HOT SPOTTING: When a poster of a new thread does not wish to ID a certain body of water, NO MEMBER will reply giving the name of that body of water. In the same regard, if a member wants to post all the details on a spot they fished....they can do so without being harassed for hot spotting as long as the fish were caught in a legal manner and no laws were broken. If someone chooses to ignore this rule and post the name anyway or harasses a member for making the post, their post will be edited with a PM sent warning them that what they did is not allowed. If that member chooses to ignore the warning, then it will be grounds for banning that member. [/#0000ff] [#0000ff] [/#0000ff] Now - Jeff oughta go read the rules on hijacking threads! (teehee) Panfish slayer indeed - you a funny boy! Here - olive branch. This map is based on my own theories and some minimal experience. Reality may have very different ideas about where the fish wanna be. I really know nothing about bass-beds on that lake. Mantua is a different story... [inline HyrumMap.JPG] Plus - a bonus PDF, and a tad of inspiration. [inline "Perch Platter.jpg"] Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Hyrum Perch - albinotrout - 02-13-2014 Thanks for the map. Been many years since i fished that lake. I may have to haul the boat up there this year and give it another go.[cool] [signature] Re: [RockyRaab] Hyrum Perch - SkunkedAgain - 02-13-2014 I agree completely. J [signature] Re: [RockyRaab] Hyrum Perch - CoyoteSpinner - 02-13-2014 Hey - if ANYONE wants to know where to get into a mess of catfish (mudcats!) just ask, I'll tell. BUT - you have to promise to bag-n-tag 'em all! As for the Channels, that's a different story. I have a rule - I won't tell, but come with me - I'll take you there. But then my other rule is - if I show up and you're there, I'm fishing with you, and you're glad for the company. (sorry- not saying YOU Rob, just saying...) [center][ ![]() [left] Oh damn, am I hijacking this thread with a wish for kitty fish! [/left][/center] Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Hyrum Perch - albinotrout - 02-13-2014 [quote CoyoteSpinner] Oh damn, am I hijacking this thread with a wish for kitty fish! [/left][/center][/quote] Yep[ ![]() [signature] |