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too soon to go back to Utah Lake? - Printable Version

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too soon to go back to Utah Lake? - Springbuck - 04-14-2014

Regarding the cold weather we had yesterday, how soon do those of you with experience think the catfishing and panfishing will be decent again at UL for shore fishermen? I want to try tomorrow afternoon.

Re: [Springbuck] too soon to go back to Utah Lake? - Fin-S-Fish - 04-14-2014

If you're after walleyes it won't matter caught them just the same day after the blizzard and during the blizzard a week ago. I won't bother with panfish till may on UL. November is a particularly good time too[Wink] There won't be a huge white bass run for a few years at least. Some but not millions.

Re: [Fin-S-Fish] too soon to go back to Utah Lake? - Springbuck - 04-15-2014

Catfish would be the main target specie. No nothing about walleye. Mostly wondering if the water temp willl have climbed back into a good range. I get bluegills and crappies starting about this time of year, but not until the cold quits.