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Canadian crossings - Flagmanonice - 02-24-2002

I've just heard that going across the border to Canada is going to be more hectic this year for anyone that had a previous DUI at anytime of there lives ! I've been hearing about people that had one 20 yrs ago, getting turned back at the border. So if your planning a trip up north this year, you better check and make sure that no one in your group has one, other wise it might put a damper on the trip ! Also, if you do have one, they'll give you a tempoary pass for a $ 130. That allows you to enter that one time. This summer, there trying to get a law passed that if you have one thats over 10 yrs old, that you've been rehibilated and will let you enter. Lately, the all Canadian show in Minneapolis,MN, where the resorts say they get 60 % of there bookings for the year, were down to 20 % of there bookings. People just are'nt booking there trips being afraid that they won't get in if someone has a DUI in there group!! Why this is happening is because in Canada, a DUI is considerd a felony, and they won't let you in there country if you have a felony ! If anyone has had cross the border lately, please let us know how the crossing was, whether good or bad. Thanks !! Flagmanonice<br><br>

Re: Canadian crossings - davetclown - 02-25-2002

Here in Detroit people are crossing the border by the millions per day back and forth to work. <br><br>I’m thinking (I can’t say for sure) that what you are talking about might be a providence related issue. Each providence is similar to a small sub country but has more governing power over the land than a state. <br><br>What I do know is that persons are crossing the border here from Detroit to Windsor and back while under the influence.<br>Many are going over for the gambling that runs 24/7. <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown