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Ted Nugent Says - davetclown - 02-24-2002

Well I went down to the Outdoor Rama in Novi yesterday. For the main reason of meeting Ted Nugent in person and of coarse have a good time. To which I did both. <br><br><B>Before I get started here with my report from Ted Nugent’s conference, I would like to share with every one here at Bigfishtackle, Ted’s profound appreciation for what and its members are doing for the hunting and fishing institution and a big thumbs up to all its members.</B><br><br>Ted Nugent started out with his standard tribute to Fred Bear and how much of an impact that Fred’s influence had on his life and then going on to the importance of every one’s responsibility of being a positive mentor to the youth of this world or we may not have one in the very near future.<br><br>He then covered the responsibility of all voting age persons of this country about getting out and representing them selves at the poles. And if you think your vote doesn’t count, you are right it doesn’t if you don’t get out there and do it! Make sure you read the bills yourself, don’t take any one else’s word for what it says, and educate yourself. The future of your children is at stake. <br><br>Those who would deny you your rights to own and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment will try to deny you, even if they have to hold you at gunpoint to do it. It is has nothing to do with your rights to own a fire arm or go hunting or fishing, it is an attempt to disarm <B>America For Which It Stands</B>. To Dissolution and confuse those who don’t think for them selves by playing on their emotions and attachments to hide their true motives and that is the dominance over the American people for their own political interest. <B> A nation unarmed cannot defend it self</B> is their motto. <br><br>Ted Nugent then went on to talk about his disgust in the disgrace of Americans cannibalistic behaviors of <B>”eating its own”</B> A shameful act of Americans turning against each other raping killing steeling and plundering each other, when we have enough troubles with real enemies abroad. <br><br>Ted asks the question of what happened to the “United We Stands, One Nation Under God, and Indivisible for which We Pledged” do you just say it because the person next to you is saying it. Is it just words with no meaning?<B> No! It is an attitude of human rights for which even the enemy can not stand when confronted by it.</B><br><br>Ted Nugent talked about those cannibals being no friends of his, those who don’t go out and vote are no friends of his, those who don’t go out and become a member of the <B>NRA</B> to which he is has recently been elected to the seat on the <B>“Board Of Directors” by its Members</B> (for which he thanked) are no friends of his, those who don’t go out and become an active participant in a positive youth development such as; M.U.C.C., 4-H, Boy and Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Sisters… are no friends of his. Those who are not part of the solution are part of the problem are no friends of his. With his face turning red as he proclaimed all of that!!! <br><br>I could see evidence of the attitude to which Ted Nugent possessed as I have felt in my heart from the very start of my life of living on the farm.<br><br>Before Ted closed he took some questions from the audience, first calling those <B>”Lilly livered, yellow bellied cowards to a open audience for a rebuttal” (NO TAKERS)</B><br><br>His show went over about 45 minutes. So I will only touch on one question to which that he felt so compassionate about. That was how dose he feels about people having their tree stands stolen? In a mass of emotion he slammed the microphone on to the stage floor, did an about face on the stage. Taking a whole of two minutes before picking up the microphone when he asked how many hunters have had their stands stolen? Ninety nine percent of the audience raised their hands in conformation. In short his reply again was to refer to <B>Hunters Eating Their Own, and it is a shameful act of anti Americanism”</B> <br><br>Ted Nugent stated, <B>”If you here of some one who knows about some one who knows of someone who has stolen from another hunter whether it be a tree stand, a deer on a buck pole a trap in the woods turn them in to the DNR and the POLICE”</B><br><br>In closing he said to go and listen, quietly, peacefully, patently, and carefully consider the anti gun/hunting/fishing extremist’s point of view. And then and only then peaceably, chronologically, point for point; blow their misinformed attitudes out of the water. <br><br>Remember this (MY ATITUDE ON THE SUBJECT) It is important to remember that no matter how wrong some one is in their beliefs, it is their right to believe what they want, but it is not right of any one to deny me of my human rights and my rights that my fore fathers have given their blood to provide these rights to me and every one else in this land. <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown

Re: Ted Nugent Says - ssor - 02-25-2002

Dave,<br> I like the post, but have unanswered questions for the hunters that have had their stands stolen. Was the stand on private property without permishon? I have 40 A that is posted and find stands every year that I do remove and turn in to the local warden. Don't take me wrong my post is every 60 feet and says "NO HUNTING WITHOUT PERMISHION!" . All I ask is that I am asked first. If someone will take the time to ask, most property owners will give the OK. I think it is good practice to make sure about the property that they are hunting on is ok. The owner like me knows about the dropoff or sinkhole or possable traps that might be set. When talking to the owner always ask about any known dangers. I give permishon to hunters every year. It is good to keep the wildlife population in control and alot of the time I get some of the game. It does help cut the food bill. HAPPY HUNTING TO ALL.<br><br><br>Texas gulf cost fisher.

Re: Ted Nugent Says - davetclown - 02-25-2002

Well you see that was the whole point behind respecting each other. <br><br>Here in Michigan it is the law states that you may not hunt on any privet property with out express written permission. Unless accompanied by the landowner. There by the laws in the state of Michigan some one hunting on privet property without written permission is in fact guilty of committing a felony. <br><br>Under the law that any crime committed while in possession of a firearm is guilty of a felony. (Trespassing + in possession of a firearm). I am not sure of the laws where you are located, but rest assured that if you call your local game warden or police department, to come out and watch the blind for the hunter he will be caught not only loosing his stand but his gun and hunting privileges (license)<br><br>Every person born in the state of Michigan after 1960 knows these laws and has had to take of taken a hunter’s safety course before they are allowed to purchases a hunting license. And in that course it specifically states to respect the rights of privet lands and land owners. <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown

Re: Ted Nugent Says - ssor - 02-25-2002

Dave,<br> My property is in south eastern Ohio. The game warden does all that he can but with the low income area as it is, the local courts refuse to accept tresspassing as a crime. It is state law that is over looked in favor of the income generated from the hunters durring season. It is ignored the rest of the year in favor of the ATV's and offroad vehicals for the same reason. My property is only posted to protect the hunters and my family. I do have to give hunters credit, they do respect the property and don't distroy it with the acception of a nail or two in the hardwood trees. Now for the ATV's and offroads that is another story, and I currently have no recorse to protect my property. I could go on and on about the ATV's and offroaders but this is not the proper place. If every one would accept Ted's views the US would be alot better off.<br>Make shure you vote because your vote only count if you vote.<br><br>Texas gulf cost fisher.

Re: Ted Nugent Says - davetclown - 02-25-2002

You might find that a few well written letters to your state rep. senator and governor may provide some relief if it is made an issue by your fellow residents, and if it don't then you have the right to fire them at the next term by going out and voting.<br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown