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Benson Marina Saturday - Tin-Can - 07-18-2014

Planning on a trip to Benson Marina tomorrow (19th). Have not been on the marina since the Flotilla in early June. Anyone been there in last couple days? Jeff, John, Mike, Lavaman, any you guys that obviously know that water better than me ? What's the water level ? Still deep enough for the Tin-Can (meaning at least 2.5 feet) ?
Should I still stay toward the west side ?
Any spots maybe holding that next 35 inch Cat ? [Wink]

Oh well. Not looking for any of your secrets. Just want to know if there will be enough water under me, or should I go up to the Bear and hit a few of those holes ?
Either way, gonna try to dodge the Willard bugs tomorrow. And maybe avoid all those "bad boaters", inconsiderate "bank tanglers" and anyone with a possibly touchy trigger finger. Would hate to get in a fire fight. [:/] Would rather shoot at the skunks in my boat with a new rod I bought this week. [fishin]

Re: [Tin-Can] Benson Marina Saturday - SkunkedAgain - 07-19-2014

I'm terrible, I haven't checked the level lately, its been steady conditions lately so I expect it will be a mid level and floatable. Stick to the west side and I don't know what to tell ya about fish. Last trip for me was 20"ers - in the shallows, last summer about this time I lost the cats in the shallows and never did find many the rest of the year. I'm suspecting the fish will be in the deep holes. River might be the best this time of year, but I haven't been out to check for two weeks. I may hit the pond taking the kids tubing tomorrow, but I'll stay wide of fishing boats. Good luck and I'll say hey if I see ya. Later J

Re: [Tin-Can] Benson Marina Saturday - gmwahl - 07-19-2014

Water is still ok for a 2 1/2 foot draft. If you go to benson, go west as soon as you launch and try to stay about 75 yards off the West Bank and head north. Once you get down stream a couple miles you'll see a few islands with deep water flowing through and shallow flats around the edges of the islands. Try to position yourself where you can hit the deep water off one side and shallow water off the other (1 1/2-2 feet deep should be about right).

The best bait has been cut bait. Sucker or carp. Fresh is best.

I've been doing really well, but I've been fishing evenings and into the late nights, so I can't really vouch for the heat of the day fishing, but I would hedge my bets towards the deeper water. It gets 8-11 feet deep in the main channel in spots and that may well hold the cats during the day.

I'm not really cutting loose with any of my go to secret spots, but around those islands is always a good bet when I take others with me and want to get them on some eatin' kitties. The biggest thing you have going for you is the boat. Without it cutler can suck sometimes, but with it you can hit those down stream spots that get very little pressure and can be absolutely hot fishing. I would probably not bother with the bear river upstream from cutler and just get down and dirty with the fishing on the main body of the lake. The big ones are just finishing spawning and will start prowling for the snacks after the procreating is over (just like humans).

Hope this helps and good luck out there!


Re: [gmwahl] Benson Marina Saturday - Tin-Can - 07-20-2014

THANKS Mike. Lots of good info. Wish I had checked BFT this morning before I left. Anyway, launched out of Benson about 0645.
[inline "(060) 19 July 2014 0645 Benson Marina.jpg"]

Was a beautiful morning. I did go straight west from launch. Sat over that deep hole near the bridge for awhile. Stayed busy bringing in little Yellow Bellies on 2 lines. Released all (of course). Took photos of the first 2, then stopped. Lost count of these pesky little mudders at about 18, but think final tally was over 2 dozen-ish. Almost as bad as a skunk, but not quite [Wink]

[inline "(061) 0659 Mud Cat # 1 of MANY.jpg"]

That's a uncooked jumbo shrimp with shell and tail. That guys eyes were bigger than his MOUTH. He got the hook, but not the shrimp.

[inline "(062) 0707 Mud Cat # 2 of MANY.jpg"]

Didn't have any Carp or Sucker bait, was using shrimp and night crawlers. Did OK I guess. Today I went under the bridge for the first time. Caught more Mud Cats. Got the first indication my sonar may not be working quite right. Was anchored all the way to the south edge of the water south side of the bridge. Sonar was reading 4.6 ft. so I let my motor down, CLUNK ! Glad the prop wasn't turning. Stuck my rod tip in the water and hit MUD bottom in less than 1 ft. Checked the sonar Off Set, and it was right where I set it 7 years ago. - 1 ft. That makes the sonar read 1 ft. less than it is actually so it compensates for the 1 foot my motor hangs below the hull. At the indicated 4.6 ft, I should have had approx.3.5 ft. under the motor . But Didn't. Guess it's time to check into a new sonar.
Anyway went back north under the bridge and hopscotched my way north along the west side. And I was about 25 - 30 yards away from the edge. But now I'm not trusting my sonar. so at a 3 ft. reading I anchor out, stick my 6'6" GlowStick rod tip in the water, and hit mud at about 18".
Would spend about 30 to 40 minutes in each spot. No bites, move on. About 10:30 got up the west side to the first slough that cuts in and runs west to a irrigation pump. Sat out in that T area about 40 minutes, and finally a more aggressive hit on the rod with the worm. A nice Cat, but not enough to improve my contest totals, so CPR'ed him and let him go.

[inline "(064) 1042 Cat # 1 CPR.jpg"]

Then an even more aggressive hit on the shrimp

[inline "(065) 1120 Cat # 2 20.5 inch.jpg"]

A solid 20" maybe 20.5"

And then the big one for the day. 22 inch.

[inline "(068) Cat # 3.jpg"]

With my "iffy" sonar and the wind starting to pick up about 1:30 pm, decided I'd done enough today. The 2 bigger Cats might bump my contest score up a point or 2. We shall see.

Re: [Tin-Can] Benson Marina Saturday - SkunkedAgain - 07-20-2014

Nice job sounds like you figured them out. Took my nephew for an hour and a half this morning and we each missed two hits we should have caught but oh well. Andrew missed a big one but gave it too much slack so it said goodbye. Too bad I wanted to see that one. It was a good fish. Still a fun morning and not too bad of a crowd. Glad you got out. Later J