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Guess the Lake - muskycoop - 08-24-2014

I was surprised to stumble upon this pig washed up on shore! 100 pts to the first correct guess[Tongue]

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - brookieguy1 - 08-24-2014

Flaming Gorge

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - TyeDyeTwins - 08-24-2014

Cutler? Newton? Pineview? Yuba? Willard? Hyrum?..............

Re: [TyeDyeTwins] Guess the Lake - muskycoop - 08-24-2014

Ok, I guess I didn't specify only one guess per entry so TDT gets it. Found that ugly beast at Pineview! I don't know a lot about catfish but I didn't think bullheads got that size and I didn't think Pineview had any other catfish species in there. My guess was 32".

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - TyeDyeTwins - 08-24-2014

I looked for the fine print and took advantage.[sly]

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - gmwahl - 08-24-2014

Cool! Pine view was goin to be my first guess. My son caught a decent channel cat out of there on his snoopy pole and worm years ago, but I have never been with anyone who's caught one since. I have caught loads of 10-14" mudcats out of there though.

Re: [gmwahl] Guess the Lake - Fishsticker - 08-26-2014

What a toad! Seems like Lunkerhunter mentioned catching a big channel cat out of there, maybe he'll pipe in.

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - SkunkedAgain - 08-26-2014

Wow that is a hog, thanks for posting it. Fun to see cats in clear water. Later J

Re: [muskycoop] Guess the Lake - TubeDude - 08-26-2014

[#0000FF]S'prise, s'prise. But not really.

I have been fishing Pineview since the late 70's. During that time I saw a couple of smaller channels caught there. Quite a few since but only stray singles. For some reason they apparently haven't ever propagated well enough to create a larger population. Plenty of food and plenty of spawning habitat (rocks). But apparently the competition is too great from other predators...the ones that eat catfish eggs and babies. There is always a balance that develops over time.

Urban myth #4-B: There are big catfish in the deep water at the base of the dam. Divers who go down to check valves and screens get attacked by those big catfish. (Maybe that's why the moved the buoys back away further from the dam...not because of terrorists.)

Urban myth #2-C: "Someone" caught a channel cat over 50 pounds out of Pineview...but took it home and cut it up without taking a picture or submitting it as a record.

Re: [TubeDude] Guess the Lake - flygoddess - 08-26-2014

Got to change your name to "Been there, Done that, Did it better" [laugh]

Been a long time since I have been to Pineview, Tat is one BIG cat. Do many fish that lake for the cat?

Re: [flygoddess] Guess the Lake - TubeDude - 08-26-2014

[#0000FF]I don't know anyone who deliberately fishes Pineview for channel cats. Almost always an accidental catch. But there are quite a few folks who target the bullheads when they swarm the warmer coves in the spring. They are decent sized and they are great for fast action for the kids.

[/#0000FF][#0000FF][#000000][size 3]Got to change your name to "Been there, Done that, Did it better"[/size][/#000000][#000000][size 3]
Snark or compliment? Not always sure with you. All I gotta say is that if you have lived (and fished) long enough you do accumulate some experience. You are a few years behind me but you have done pretty good your own self...just not as much in the catfish department.

Re: [TubeDude] Guess the Lake - flygoddess - 08-26-2014

Never hear of people talking about Cat from PV, so Thanks, and it was more a fact that may come as a compliment[Smile]

Re: [flygoddess] Guess the Lake - TubeDude - 08-26-2014

[#0000FF]Thanks then. Sorry for questioning your motives.

As far as I know, channel cats have never been "officially" introduced in Pineview. I suspect that a few have "migrated" there over the years via anglers who felt that Willard had a surplus and that it should be shared with Pineview.

Also, not many folks would believe there are/have been walleyes in Pineview. Here is a pic with two nice walleyes taken at Pineview.

[inline "PINEVIEW WALLEYES (2).jpg"]

Howsomever, I gotta admit that the fish were caught at the dark...and were photographed in the light on a later morning trip to Pineview. Oh yeah, please no comments on the pants. I was even more fashion-challenged in those days.