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Stereo Type Fishing - flygoddess - 09-09-2014

Any of this look familiar[Smile]

Was thinking off topic, but this is fishing, so forgive me if the wrong spot.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - MisterCompletely - 09-09-2014

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#804000][size 3]Thanks Goddess, that's hilarious, and yes it looks way too familiar. [/size][/#804000][/font]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - CoyoteSpinner - 09-09-2014

Funny - had a guy today ask what a bluegill was. Showed him a pic of an 8"er from the ice-competition. He thought it looked small, then showed me a photo on his phone.

The classic - hold the fish close - look, uh, yeah - that's it.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - MasterDaad - 09-09-2014

"Broke my super thin Razor!!!!"

That was awesome.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - gstott - 09-09-2014

I think the Hot Pocket part was my favorite, so random [Smile] They were pretty spot on though.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - cpierce - 09-09-2014

Loved it!! [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

Re: [cpierce] Stereo Type Fishing - happybob91 - 09-09-2014

I saw this a few days ago and was a bit disturbed that I'm like the excuses guy sometimes [Tongue]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - albinotrout - 09-10-2014

Very entertaining.[cool]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - Paulypro - 09-10-2014

Chumming the waters and getting ducks into a feeding frenzy is one great way to attract Pacu!
Thanks Duck Lady[Smile]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - TroutBumDave - 09-10-2014

Oh geeze, I've pretty much been every single one of those guys at some point in my career. Bass fishing tends to accentuate most of them though...

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - lovetofish - 09-10-2014

They left one catagory out.

The BRAGGER you know the guy who catches the: First Biggest and Most and won't shut up the rest of the day. But if you catch the First, Biggest and Most and you don't say a thing about it. He's very quiet about it and doesn't bring it up either.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - flygoddess - 09-10-2014

There has been time where I have been the "Be very quiet, fish can hear you" type. But that was because I was supporting a hang over....LOL

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - dtayboyz - 09-11-2014

How about the guy who loses a 5 lbr right before weigh in? Fisher folks are a funny bunch.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - gstott - 09-12-2014

I try not to drink before a day of fishing. Something about being out in the elements just makes it that much worse. I don't always listen to my own advice though [Wink]

Re: [gstott] Stereo Type Fishing - flygoddess - 09-12-2014

I play in a band in local bars and clubs and use to do this every weekend. Had to do sociables.[Smile] Many a times getting home at 3 a.m. then on the river at 6 a.m.
Awww to be young.

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - gstott - 09-13-2014

Yeah, I remember those days. Now a big wild night is having a whole six pack and getting to bed by midnight [Smile]

Re: [gstott] Stereo Type Fishing - flygoddess - 09-13-2014

Midnight?! Try 9! [laugh]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - gstott - 09-13-2014

I hear you. It's Friday night and the thought of going to bed soon sounds rather inviting [laugh]

Re: [flygoddess] Stereo Type Fishing - FishMcFisherson - 09-14-2014

"Big bait catches big fish" Love it.