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Jmax, Chick, Bass, Firday night dog fight, 2nd place, 9/5/14, solo - Printable Version

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, Firday night dog fight, 2nd place, 9/5/14, solo - FishNews - 09-10-2014

Derek has three sons, one of which had his first game last night for this year's season so he could not go. Then James has a big job he has been working on and been getting home each night around 8:00 in the evening so he told me he could not go. Sad Then the rain moved in and I thought the Lord might be telling me I did not need to go either. emoAngel I decided to just wait and see what the weather did and make my call at the last minute. The local news said that as the sun set the weather would clear up. emoSmile I went at 6:00 heading for the Friday Night Dog Fight solo.<br /><br />Got there to find that many had let the weather or sports keep them off the lake. Only seven boats, so I knew it was a winner take all. Then you consider Hook one had been on a great bite, Azel seems to always be on a great bite, Leonard has kicked my butt this year several times and the team of Ben and Brent Haze are always a mega sack waiting to happen. emoRolleyes I knew I had my work cut out for me if I was going to win against those who had showed up.<br /><br />The weather did break and the moon came out really well. Looked like a street light overhead. You could see pretty well even without the lights. I love that kind of night to fish. The night was about like most of my night trips this year. Very slow but consistent. My first stop was a bust. Thought I would catch a few before the sun set on cranks and swims along deep drops but did not have a smell. Notta, zip, nothing. One hour later had to make a big change. Moved more shallow and started drowning a big worm. Right off boated one 2/10 and started feeling better. Maybe ten minutes later boated a 3/3. emoThumbsup Thought to myself, this will work. Pretty much told myself at that time I would spend the rest of the tournament drowning a big worm.<br /><br />Focusing on drops, docks, structure, ledges and edges I slowly worked a big worm around, under and in every rock pile, brush top and deep grass edge by deep water I could come up with. Ended up culling both the two I started with and a dozen or so came into the boat. Lost two others I had for just a second or two. Don't know if they would have helped or not. The best one I boated ended up missing out on big fish by about an ounce. emoDoh It was off a dock with some lights on. I think it was up there feeding on the bream under the light. The bream were up there feeding on the bugs attracted by the light. Great fish, great fight, got me really excited. She was one beauty of a bass. She had been feeding really well and appeared to look like she was full of eggs. She jumped twice and cleared the water, both times my heart went up into my throat. When I got the net under her I really thought I had just won the tournament. emoRedface She ended up weighing 8.22 lbs. My other two I weighed in with her was one almost four pounds and another over three and a half. My best three came in at 15.72 pounds. emoDance If I had been in a five fish tournament my next two were 3/3 and 3/1. So my best five would have broke 22 lbs. Can't really complain about that kind of night. I felt good about my efforts and results fishing by myself.<br /><br />It was just not to be. Leonard and partner came in with three all just a little better then my three. emoBawl His best was a beauty also at 8.36 lbs, one ounce better then mine. His other two added to his lead and he beat me by over a pound. emoWorthy Tough to have a night like that and walk away with nothing more then an, "At a boy!". But I did really enjoy the night and had a blast. Good laughs before and after the tournament. Great bunch of folks showed up for this one and it was really a good tournament, just a little small. emoBigSmile <br /><br />You guys have fun tonight doing it all over again but my old butt is worn out and I am staying home on the one tonight. emoGeezer Jmax