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Bait Saturday - Printable Version

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Bait Saturday - gaardvark - 02-16-2015

I headed out on Saturday just to see if there might be any early season catfish ready to show themselves. My son decided to go with me, and my 3 yo daughter grabbed an old Spongebob pole. Not surprisingly the line was tangled in the reel and currently unusable. She insisted on going, so I grabbed a trout rod that was handy and we were off.
When we got to the water, I baited up with some carp meat from last season, and got our lines in the water.
Her brother was tying up his rig before getting to the water, and just before he arrived with the net the small rod started jumping. She reeled it in with some help from Dad, and her brother got there in time to net a 22" carp. They are always fun on a light trout rod.
Over the next hour I had one good solid hit on a large chunk of carp meat, but that was it. I would like to have caught a big cat, but it is probably better to not harass the big ones until the contest starts anyway.

At least I can thank her for the bait this spring.

Re: [gaardvark] Bait Saturday - albinotrout - 02-16-2015

Now that is a happy little girl.

Re: [gaardvark] Bait Saturday - FishMcFisherson - 02-17-2015

Haha, complete with the princess tiara. I love it. Way to get her out there.

Re: [gaardvark] Bait Saturday - CoyoteSpinner - 02-17-2015

Awesome. Maybe we oughta start a category for best outfit, or shiniest tiara!

Dress to impress!