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Minnows by TubeDude - Printable Version

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Minnows by TubeDude - LockedandLoaded - 04-23-2015

I was doing some online research / reading about minnows and stumbled upon a very well written and very informative 10-page write-up by BFT's very own tube dude. I wanted to thank you, tubedude, for this information (and the many other pearls of wisdom that you so willingly share). Here is a link to the paper. I wasn't able to determine if this was a recent writing or some gem from the archives of the past.;postatt_id=36604

Re: [LockedandLoaded] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

[#0000ff]Thanks for the kindly words. Glad you appreciate my humble efforts.

THE GOOD NEWS? That writeup is OLD NEWS. Here is the new and improved 44 page version...organized into sections and with a lot of pictures.

Sorry. I removed the attachment. But any BFT member can request it by PM.

Re: [LockedandLoaded] Minnows by TubeDude - akammerman - 04-23-2015

I could read TD's writing for hours and not get tired of it. Talented writer. Thanks for posting this, as I had been wondering recently how to get chubs and such to fish with. Perhaps one of these days I go out and only target minnows. I was at Settlement Canyon last summer and my son kept catching 6-inch fish on the smallest flies we could find. I didn't know what they were at the time, but in hind-sight, I am thinking they were little carp. There were tons, you could see them rising all over the place along the shore to feed on little bugs. Next time, I'll know to keep them and put them on ice for later use. Thanks again for the post.

And I just saw the new version posted.
Uh, oh. . .I've already run out of lunch time at work!

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - SkunkedAgain - 04-23-2015

As one of the beta testers on the 44 page version, got to say this is a gem and will take your fishing to the next level... Pat this is a great service to the fishers on this site... After a little practice of these methods their fish catching ability will improve along with size and quality... I think it's taken you four of five years to teach me many of these methods in answer to lots of my questions. Now that you have compiled it all into one volume its a great resource to study... Good stuff if you try it and have a little patience you'll find you use these methods very often and in lots of different type fishing... Thanks TD... J

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - LockedandLoaded - 04-23-2015

[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly words. Glad you appreciate my humble efforts.

THE GOOD NEWS? That writeup is OLD NEWS. Here is the new and improved 44 page version...organized into sections and with a lot of pictures.

Wow, even more great information! I'm curious, where can one find other similar fishing-related reports you have published online? Thank you.

Re: [akammerman] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

"I was at Settlement Canyon last summer and my son kept catching 6-inch fish on the smallest flies we could find. I didn't know what they were at the time, but in hind-sight, I am thinking they were little carp."

[#0000FF]Nope. Chubs. Sometimes when ice fishing it is impossible to keep your jigs away from chubs long enough for a trout to find them.

Catch and keep all you can. Fish them whole for bigger fish or cut into pieces for smaller ones...or for tipping jigs.

Re: [SkunkedAgain] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

[#0000FF]Welcome, you are.

Re: [LockedandLoaded] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

"Wow, even more great information! I'm curious, where can one find other similar fishing-related reports you have published online? Thank you"

[#0000FF]I have a "half vast" collection of writeups on a wide variety of subjects...from rod building to fly tying to making lead jigs, etc. Most of it has been put together to answer the more frequent questions from other BFTers. So I post this stuff only on BFT or sometimes send it by email...since we can no longer use the PM function for sending files.

I don't minding helping fellow members but don't really want it circulating out there in perpetuity for "lurkers". I have been surprised to find some of my stuff being posted elsewhere...under another author's nom de plume. I will be taking down this post in a few days. So copy the file if you want it for future review.

If there is something specific you would like...and if I have something available...send me a PM with your email address and I will send what I can.

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - Boatloadakids - 04-23-2015

I got an "advance copy" of the revised version a couple of weeks ago. I liked the section on ketchin' and riggin' baby white bass.... among others. Good stuff.

Thanks again TD.


Re: [Boatloadakids] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

[#0000FF]You are welcome and I appreciate your input.

It helps to use that special lure for white bass, doesn't it?

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - Old_Coot - 04-23-2015

Wow Pat! Wow! Such good info! Wow!

Re: [Old_Coot] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

[#0000FF]Thanks Cootster. I know you only use minnows as a flavor enhancement for jigs and mostly disdain all other forms of (yuck) bait. But happy to let you know what goes into procuring your jig sweetener.

Lemme know if you ever want to explore the refinements of minner catchin'.

By the way, you ain't no slouch at puttin' together informative fishing pieces yer own self. I salute you.

Re: [LockedandLoaded] Minnows by TubeDude - TyeDyeTwins - 04-23-2015

Stay away from TubeDude![Wink] All he'll do is unload free gear on you, teach you to improve your fishing methods by a 1,000%, and inspire you to be a better person in general!![Wink][Wink]

All sarcastic comments aside, TubeDude is the best fisher person I have ever met! You stumbled upon a true Gem here on BFT LockedandLoaded.[cool] Follow the ways of the TubeDude and your nets shall be full.

Re: [TyeDyeTwins] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-23-2015

[#0000FF]Okay, okay. Now what do you want?

Seriously, thanks for the kindly sentiments. Wish I could live up to them.

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - TheFishSlayer - 04-24-2015

Wow TD that is a great article. Very well put. Thank you for taking the time to write your knowledge down like that and share it with others. I have only used perch meat while ice fishing. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to use it in the summer too. Thanks for even more tips!!

Re: [TheFishSlayer] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-24-2015

[#0000FF]It is interesting that we become creatures of habit. And those habits are often handed down from family and friends so that we have skewed opinions and ideas of what actually works.

Using perch meat in summer is one of those things. Lots of guys fish it through the ice. But a lot of regular perch jerkers use it all year long. There are times during summer and fall when you will catch more perch and bigger perch...and other species...on a big ol chunk of perch meat. I never leave home without it when heading for Starvation. But you would be surprised how many species in how many waters (where legal) have perch on the menu on a regular basis and that will gladly accept a tasty perch morsel you offer.

Sadly, the perch populations are in decline on several formerly abundant waters. The combination of winter dieoffs, heavy predation by smallmouths and other predators (including anglers) pushes them past the tipping point. And low water years make for poor perch spawning. All of a sudden we aren't catching perch and they can't spawn enough to feed the hungry mouths...including their own.

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - wormandbobber - 04-24-2015

[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly words. Glad you appreciate my humble efforts.

THE GOOD NEWS? That writeup is OLD NEWS. Here is the new and improved 44 page version...organized into sections and with a lot of pictures.

Just out of curiosity, why are you going through all the time and effort of putting these 44 pages together? Are all the pics used in your 44 pages ones that you or your kin have taken?

Re: [wormandbobber] Minnows by TubeDude - fish_fear_me2 - 04-24-2015

Some of us enjoy the write-ups and gain a little knowledge in the process. What difference does it make where the pictures came from. I imagine that they were taken by the author but since they are there to help identify the various minnows it doesn't really matter where they came from does it? Learning from others is one key to successful fishing. TD has been more than willing to share some of his knowledge on a variety of fish related subjects and has written many informative pieces. I for one enjoy the write-ups and maybe a few others do too. That might be the reason enough for the time and effort.

Re: [TubeDude] Minnows by TubeDude - JLTD - 04-24-2015

This was a great read with even better practical application. I enjoy fishing minnows and cut bait but have always wondered if there were better ways than searching through the freezer at sportsman's hoping to find some that weren't mush or freezer rotted. This information could be invaluable. Now if I could just get the other half to look the other way while processing and storing these little fish catching morsals. Thanks tubedude!

Re: [JLTD] Minnows by TubeDude - TubeDude - 04-24-2015

[#0000FF]You are welcome. I'm fortunate in having a wife who is also a fishing buddy...who loves fishing for catfish. So she helps with the minnow catching and bagging. And we MUTUALLY decided to pick up a small chest type freezer strictly for the storage of minnows, carp meat and other baitly things.

Seriously, you can often find those little freezers pretty cheap and they help keep domestic tranquility in a household where freezer space (for food) is precious. Also reduces the YUCK factor amongst squeamish family members.

When folks invite me for sushi I joke that I already have a freezer full. Hold the rice, seaweed, soy and wasabi.