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Any Ririe Reports - Printable Version

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Any Ririe Reports - curt69 - 04-27-2015

I am going to Blacktail tomorrow . I will post when I get back .

Re: [curt69] Any Ririe Reports - ironrod - 04-28-2015

Good luck! Found a few willing kokanee last Saturday. They were 15 ft down.

Re: [ironrod] Any Ririe Reports - curt69 - 04-28-2015

Trolled for 4 hours , not one bite . I never seen anyone catch a fish .

Re: [curt69] Any Ririe Reports - ironrod - 04-29-2015

Dang! Was hoping they would start schooling up...might be a couple more weeks

Re: [ironrod] Any Ririe Reports - fallsfish - 04-29-2015

I was out on Friday 4-24 and caught one (15 inches). Fished 6 hours and used a variety of lures from wedding rings to hoochies with flashers. Really slow and didn't see very many schools. The fish I caught was about 25 ft down. Been a really slow spring for the kokes.