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A fishing trip gift from Mom - Printable Version

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A fishing trip gift from Mom - VenicCharters - 05-11-2015

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of taking Jim and his 2 sons, Said, and Samir to catch a bunch of redfish.

I drove the boat into this little cove, looked at a couple of spots and then found what I thought looked like a great spot to catch redfish.

First 3 casts by all 3 anglers produced fish and it was on. I took so many fish off their hooks it was unbelievable, and I don't think they ever caught fish as fast as they were on that day.

We left the dock at 8am and were limited out by 10;25am. These guys must've caught well over 75 redfish by 11:30 and they had a blast.

Great crew and I will welcome them on my boat anytime, plus they brought me lunch!!!

[Image: image_zpsslxs8zc2.jpg]

[Image: image_zpszhoxrqzj.jpg]

[Image: image_zpstsef5guq.jpg]

My attempt at a panoramic shot of the area we fished.
[Image: image_zps8ivl1q1h.jpg]