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Kings to cats - Printable Version

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Kings to cats - Boatloadakids - 07-31-2015

Just got back from a quick trip to Juneau Alaska with my crew. Had a blast but now ready to pick up after the cats again.

Put our trip for the 3 of us together for under $2500 and caught fish 'til our arms were sore. Other than a nasty encounter with a brown bear it was a great trip. Anybody interested in something similar shoot me a pm.

Full moon tonight so plan to put in a night shift after the cats. Kinda curious to see if there is still enough water to launch at Lincoln. Will post pics of 30+ inch cats tomorrow.


Re: [Boatloadakids] Kings to cats - Kent - 07-31-2015

Very fortunate grand kids. Thanks for posting.

Re: [Boatloadakids] Kings to cats - albinotrout - 07-31-2015

Sounds like a great trip. I hit the Colorado this afternoon and landed three small cats myself.

Re: [Boatloadakids] Kings to cats - Boatloadakids - 08-01-2015

Lincoln update: Water in the channel was between 1.5 and 2 feet deep... going down fast now. About four boats and an airboat launched at around 9 p.m. for the night shift. Several groups fishing from shore in the channel and off first spring rocks. Rough seas at launch so I stayed close to the springs area. Water calmed after about 11:00 and was glassy smooth with a big full moon.

I did no better than a few cutters. Lost one half way in so it will be the 30+ incher I was looking for. Water temp was 77 and I fished mostly in 4 to 5.5 feet of water. Tried both wb and carp meat. Next time....


Re: [Boatloadakids] Kings to cats - albinotrout - 08-01-2015

Now that's low.... Toon time