Jmax, Chick, Bass, 8/17/15, Mon. Dog Fight for the win, alone - Printable Version
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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 8/17/15, Mon. Dog Fight for the win, alone - FishNews - 08-24-2015
Round two second verse. I thought based on what Derek and I were doing in the CBA Saturday that some of the fish we found would still be there and willing to bite. They were. Entered the Monday night dog fight with the other nine boats looking to take a shower. We all got pretty wet with the rain rolling through. Hauled off to one of the ledges we had found some and put three small keepers in the boat that looked identical, all right at two pounds, in twenty minutes. All off a shakey. Moved a couple times and switched to a jig but only had a couple shorts on it. Hit some structure in a deep ditch with a shakey and found a couple better. Culled one of the little guys with another only about 2 and a half. Then had a good one load up on it that pulled drag and gave me a pretty good fight. In came my biggest of the night at 4.67 lbs. Thought I was going to get big bass with that one but Nick Pratt had one knock me out at 4.90 lbs. Now sitting with only one of the little guys left I moved again and hit another ditch like that one hoping to find another big one. Time was running out and dark was setting in. I usually don&#39;t throw a crank when it is that dark but that place will sometimes give up a good one on it. Made several long looping casts, bouncing it off the bottom with nothing. I did one of those Shaw Grigsby, &quot;One last cast&quot; things and told myself I was putting it up after that one last cast. Made that last cast with it and right at the boat, Bame! Rod doubles over and had another good fight. In the net came keeper number six and four pounder number two. Out went my last little guy. emoDance <br /><br />My area there died at dark so with 45 minutes left I was thinking I might have a chance to win this one, but needed to cull that two and a half pounder. Made a run to some deep grass edges where the bass seem to move up out of deep water right at dark. Made about 10 casts with a shakey thinking they were not there and felt a thump. Pulled up the slack and set the hook. Rod doubles and in came another nice keeper to cull the 2 and a half pounder. emoTongue I was feeling pretty good knowing I had 10 and a half to eleven pounds I thought. Ran out of time and hauled to the weigh in.<br /><br />You never know who is sand baggen on these dog fights. I said I thought I had about 10 and half pounds. I was not sure. In my mind I was thinking two fours and one three. But I hate to say more then I had so I was thinking small. Turns out they weighed a little more then I thought. My two fours and one three went 11.87 lbs. I was able to squeak out a win over Barnes and Pitts who had 11.09 lbs. Shakey, jigs and crank were the tickets and unlike the CBA I did not loose any. Looking forward to the night CFF this Friday. emoToast Jmax