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C.J. Ice - Printable Version

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C.J. Ice - fishingrocket - 01-01-2016

Hi all,

I would be remiss to not mention what I observed today, New Years Eve 2015.

The Bruneau Arm is about 97% frozen over with at least three areas of open water -- maybe 2 acres each.

Nobody had cut holes out in the reservoir off of the Cottonwood docks yet although many holes were cut in the shallows between docks.

I did not have the proper tools to assess the ice thickness but lowered my 150# body onto it off the dock without any cracking or concern.

The single digit temps that we were promised did not materialize and now the forecast looks warmer than we would like. However the ice has no snow on top and looks good and solid. I believe people will start fishing tomorrow or Saturday in the main lake.

I hope that helps...


Re: [fishingrocket] C.J. Ice - Squarehog - 01-02-2016

Thanks for reporting.. I found 4.5" of good clear ice next to shore this afternoon so I fished it[bobhappy]

Re: [Squarehog] C.J. Ice - Duck-Slayer - 01-02-2016

CJ gained a ton of ice since New Years eve, I drilled a hole just by the N. fishing dock and shore at cotton wood and it was 2" - where did you walk out from and how far?

Re: [Duck-Slayer] C.J. Ice - fishingrocket - 01-02-2016

Hi Duck-Slayer,

I only lowered onto the ice right at the dock Thursday but went again New Years Day and went out about 100 yards onto the main body of water off of Cottonwood. I took additional safety measures since the ice was only 3" thick. It is near zero now, Saturday morning so there should be 3.5 to 4.0" based on my previous experience. There will be ice fishermen today -- no doubt....


Re: [fishingrocket] C.J. Ice - idahopanfish - 01-03-2016

Saw about 6 people just west of cottonwood and about the same by he camp ground by the narrows, we did not go out as I didn't have cleats for my grandson and it was glass. We headed for cove arm.

Re: [idahopanfish] C.J. Ice - Duck-Slayer - 01-03-2016

Idahopanfish.... you shoulda texted me, I was there, one of the guys west of cottonwood....

Re: [Duck-Slayer] C.J. Ice - idahopanfish - 01-03-2016

Sorry did not know you were there, were you in camos laying on the ice, haha?

Re: [fishingrocket] C.J. Ice - sturgeonhunter - 01-04-2016

Are there any updates on the ice by Cottonwood? I would love to head over there and catch a few perch in the next couple of days.[reply][/reply]

Re: [sturgeonhunter] C.J. Ice - Duck-Slayer - 01-05-2016

I would assume that its going too be poor, nights are staying just below freezing and the highs are above freezing, the ice was poor too begin with, I would say that its not good news for CJ, might be boating it.... but i'm ok with that [Wink]