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Fish Time Pensacola Florida - Printable Version

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Fish Time Pensacola Florida - CaptScotty - 03-11-2016

Its been a while since I posted but the bite has been really good here on the Gulf Coast. Redfish are biting on the diving birds also in the deeper channels and canals. Been using Live Shrimp on a Carolina rig or a White 1 to 2 oz buck tail jig. Monster Black Drums are on the local bridges along with the Sheepshead, White Trout and Ground Mullets. Live Shrimp and Fiddler Crabs have been the bait of choice on a Carolina rig for them. With the water temp warming it is only going to get better. Spring is coming and it is one of my favorite times of the year to catch fish. Here is a video and pictures if the let me post it. If not you can always check out my page Good luck on your fishing trip can't wait to see you post too.

Re: [CaptScotty] Fish Time Pensacola Florida - holaniloie308 - 09-11-2018

Super boss.. all pic are really beautiful ..

Re: [CaptScotty] Fish Time Pensacola Florida - taftscout - 10-01-2018

Awesome haul and great photos!