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Hump day Willard - Printable Version

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Hump day Willard - Tin-Can - 08-17-2016

Had not planned to go fishin today. But after almost 2 hours at work, decided I better go before I lost my cool with some of the idiots at work, and get on the water before the forecast storms come thru, if they do. Got on the water about 9:30 ish, wasn't really watching the clock. Tried a bit of trolling but hadn't filled the boat gas tank, so decided to just wash off the last half of the bag of mussels that I had started Sunday. Only 2 ski boats that I saw, and maybe a dozen rigs in the parking lot at the south marina, but they must have all been way over yonder somewhere.
Did twice as good today as I did Sunday, 1 Wiper and 1 Cat, and didn't loose anything overboard.

Re: [Tin-Can] Hump day Willard - jjannie - 08-18-2016

Good to know you were able to get away from work and go fishing - Nice job!

A day on the water is always better than any day at work that's for sure!

Re: [Tin-Can] Hump day Willard - TubeDude - 08-18-2016

[#0000FF]Excellent. Glad you realized the best way to solve two problems at once. Keeps you out of jail too.

Work is the single biggest interference with a man's fishing schedule.

Fishing is the world's greatest "brain broom" (my term).

You can fish...or you can fuss...but you can't fish AND fuss.

Re: [TubeDude] Hump day Willard - Tin-Can - 08-18-2016

Yep, been doing what I do for over 40 years. And I seem to have less and less tolerance for stupid. Two quotes I always liked " You can't fix stupid"
And " My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs work"
Since I can't fix them, and I have less and less tolerance for them as I get older, best way to manage that is get out on the water. [fishin]