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Echo info - Printable Version

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Echo info - con_mackie - 01-11-2017

Hey everyone I'm headed up to Echo this week, I was just looking for some updated information. With these warmer temperatures I'm most curious about the ice thickness and if the edges are soft. If you have information about what has been working as far as baits and jigs, fishing locations and depth I would not complain about that information either. Thanks

Re: [con_mackie] Echo info - PerchPile - 01-12-2017

Read through some of the recent posts, concerning Echo. Some great info. As far as info on the edges, I would like to hear that also.

Re: [con_mackie] Echo info - Smelt_Fishy - 01-12-2017

Long time listener, first time caller...

Also curious about current ice conditions as well, wouldn't mind making a trip up there this week. As warm as it has been in the valley has me concerned about edge/ice conditions. As far as the fishing, pretty easy to search and read the other threads just have to drill enough holes. [bobWink]


Re: [PerchPile] Echo info - con_mackie - 01-12-2017

Yeah I was able to read through the other posts but my biggest concern is the ice condition. Also what people have been using. I don't remember if I saw that info or not.

Re: [con_mackie] Echo info - k2muskie - 01-12-2017

From another site and yesterday post:

"Echo not so good this morning 32 degrees 4feet slush around the edges 3 feet unstable from there not going out later today the lake level will rise more"

Then another post said slush is horrible

Re: [con_mackie] Echo info - TheFishSlayer - 01-12-2017

I saw a post on facebook and it was saying it was a mess. If you go you will need a board to get on the ice.

Re: [con_mackie] Echo info - Stickhorse - 01-12-2017

I was desperate for an ice trip yesterday so we made a trip to Strawberry. White out blizzard conditions. The roads to the Marina and the ladders had 2 feet of snow on them so we got turned around and headed to Echo. Went around on the east side of Echo and when we got to the water there was about a 2 foot gap of open water to get to the ice. The others jumped it onto the ice. I got wet. They forgot the jumper bearing in my new knee. There was about 2 inches of slush on 8 inches of ice. We fished for just over an hour in about 15 feet of water and caught about 20 little perch and 5 nice trout about 16 inches long. Hope this helps.

Re: [Stickhorse] Echo info - Smelt_Fishy - 01-12-2017

Thank you for all the info gentleman, Although Sad to hear. From the sounds of it most of the lower 40 are not in very good shape due to the warmer weather and snow... [Sad]


Re: [Stickhorse] Echo info - con_mackie - 01-12-2017

Thanks everyone that was the information I was looking for. Maybe with these cooler temperatures we are going to have the next couple days those edges will freeze up, if not I will definitely take a board to get across. Thanks